20 05, 2024

National Holidays

Categories: Holidays, Holidays and Observances|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

National Celebrations What are national holidays? National holidays are events held by a country to commemorate significant occasions in its history, culture, or national identity. These celebrations often include ceremonies, parades, performances, concerts. These days are often public holidays. Why do many people enjoy participating in national celebrations? National holidays provide an opportunity for citizens

20 02, 2019

Ukrainian Holidays, Christmas

Categories: Year 3|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Year 3. Let's learn about Ukrainian holidays. Vocabulary home - дім sweet - солодкий Home, sweet home. - Дім, рідний дім. Ukrainian - український holidays - свята; канікули winter holidays - зимові канікули summer holidays - літні канікули holiday - свято Christmas - Різдво carol - колядка Answer the questions What Ukrainian holidays do you like? What do people sing at Christmas in

31 03, 2018

Willow Sunday in Ukraine

Categories: Easter|Tags: , |0 Comments

Palm Sunday is the popular name of one of the major festivals of Christians. The feast is established in memory of the entrance of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. According to the story, from this event began the suffering of Christ. This event is displayed in the Gospel of Mark, Luke, Matthew, and John. The date

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