4 10, 2018

Teachers Make the Difference

Categories: School|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Teachers truly make the difference! Learning occurs within the student, not within the classroom. For every class clown to tolerate there is a genius in the making. If a student develops a sense of purpose, he has said “thank you” to his teacher. Teachers inspire students to dream, and give them the tools and knowledge

26 03, 2017

Teaching is a work of heart

Categories: School|Tags: , , |0 Comments

31 05, 2016

What is your educational philosophy?

Categories: Methodology|Tags: , , |Comments Off on What is your educational philosophy?

Please, tick the item that reflects your thinking. What is the essence of education? Reason and intuition Growth Knowledge and skills Choice What is the nature of the learner? The learner is an experiencing organism. The learner is unique, free, and responsible. The learner is rational and intuitive being. The learner is a storehouse for

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