1 06, 2019

House Prepositions of Place

Categories: Year 4|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Let's learn to describe a room / flat / house Remember the words House Prepositions of Place bedroom - спальня living-room - вітальня kitchen - кухня dining-room - їдальня bathroom - ванна кімната toilet - туалет curtain - занавіска vase - ваза chair - стілець bookshelf - книжкова полиця sofa - диван plant - рослина armchair - крісло calendar

23 10, 2018

What Do You Have? Year 1 – 3

Categories: Year 1|Tags: , |0 Comments

Dear kids, let's learn to speak about things you have. If you want to say what toys you have, start your sentences with I have ... . Use I have describing your appearance as well as the rooms you have in your flat or house. Learn short words on, in, under, between to tell where

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