6 01, 2019

New Year’s Day and Winter Holidays

Categories: New Year's Day, Year 2|Tags: |0 Comments

Year 2 Let's learn to speak about New Year's Day and winter holidays. Vocabulary fir-tree - ялина pine-tree - сосна We decorate fir-trees and pine-trees for Christmas and New Year. lights - вогні There are many little lights on the Christmas Tree. poem - вірш We learn poems. recite a poem - декламувати вірш Children recite poems

4 01, 2019

Interesting Facts about New Year Celebration in Scotland

Categories: New Year's Day|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Here are some interesting facts about New Year's Eve in Scotland. The celebration of New Year's Eve is one of the oldest rites known to man. Even in primitive, ancient societies some sort of New Year ritual was celebrated, and the celebrtions were surprisingly similar to our own - composed of about equal parts noise,

5 01, 2018

New Year’s Day

Categories: New Year's Day|Tags: , |0 Comments

New Year's Day - 1 January New Year's Day is the first day of the year. It is on 1 January in countries using the Gregorian calendar. Communities using other calendars celebrate New Year on other dates: the Jewish New Year, for example, is Rosh Hashanah (1 Tishri), which falls in September or October, and

26 04, 2017

Informal letter: impressions of New Year’s Day celebrations

Categories: Informal Letter, Ksenia|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Write a letter to your pen pal describing the way you celebrated the New Year's Day. Dear Mike, How are you? I hope you are fine. Thanks a lot for your letter where you told me about Christmas celebrations in the USA. I’m writing to tell you about my impressions of celebrating the New Year's

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