17 04, 2020

My Guitar

Categories: Liliya, Year 4|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

My Hobby Elementary School What are your hobbies? Can you play any musical instrument? My Guitar, My Musical Instrument Hi! My name is Liliya and one of my hobbies is playing the guitar. I want to tell about my musical instrument. I  have been playing the guitar for two years. I attend music classes in

9 06, 2018

Music Vocabulary from A to Z

Categories: Music|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Learn Music Vocabulary acoustic (adjective): without inbuilt electrical equipment to amplify the sound - I can play acoustic guitar, but I can't play electric guitar. album (noun): a collection of songs released as a digital download or a 12-inch LP record - Do you have Michael Jackson's album Thriller? alternative hip hop (noun): any style that isn't mainstream commercial hip hop

4 09, 2017

Fly High 3 Lesson 14 This is Trumpet’s trumpet

Categories: Fly High 3|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Fly High 3 Lesson 14  This is Trumpet’s trumpet Learn new vocabulary. It will be great to know the names of some musical instruments in English. Use Possessive case in the sentences of your own. Enjoy practicing! Are you ready? musical instruments They’ve got their musical instruments. trumpet This is his trumpet. drums These are

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