21 11, 2024

Close Friend

Categories: Essay, Liliya, People|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Friendship Is Essential in Life Hi there! I'm Liliya and I'd like to tell you about my close friend Polina. Friendship plays a big role in society. It is about having close relationships between people. Everyone has a close friend in their life. I have a close friend who is my classmate, and her name

21 11, 2024

Write About Friendship

Categories: Essay, People|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Friendship is ... Here are some ideas and themes you can write about friendship. These topics can be written as essays, stories, or reflections (A reflection paper is an essay that requires you to express your opinion on a topic). Which one would you like to explore? 1.The Importance of Friendship What friendship means to you.

30 09, 2020

My Special Friend

Categories: People|Tags: , , |0 Comments

People and Relationships: Friendship What qualities do you appreciate in your friends? I appreciate friends who are: honest trustworthy reliable understanding supportive responsible Friends should also be willing to help you tell you if your're doing something wrong support you even if you've made a mistake What makes someone a special or best friend? My

25 09, 2020

Best Friend of Mine

Categories: People|Tags: , , |0 Comments

What is your friend like? Do you have a close friend? Does your friend help you when you have aproblem? Does your friend often gossip? Does your friend share his/her secrets with you? Does your friend keep your secrets? Does your friend listen to you when you want to say something? Does your friend have

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