15 09, 2024

Climate Change and Global Warming

Categories: Environment, Nature, Weather|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Writing an Argumentative Essay Write an argumentative essay about the responsibility of everyone on Earth for climate change and global warming. Level Pre-intermediate Every Person on Earth is Responsible for Climate Change and Global Warming: Do You Agree? Sample 1 Climate change and global warming are big problems that affect the entire world. Many people

10 09, 2024

Natural Disasters

Categories: Nature, Weather|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

What Are Natural Disasters? Natural disasters are sudden and extreme events caused by natural forces, such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, or wildfires. They can cause great damage to land, buildings, and people, and often lead to loss of life and property. An earthquake is the shaking of the ground caused by movements in the Earth’s

13 04, 2022

Amazon Rainforest

Categories: Environment, Nature|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Some Interesting Facts About Rainforests The biggest rainforest is the Amazon rainforest, which is mostly in Brazil. The Amazon Rainforest is so huge that if it were a country, it would be the ninth-largest country in the world. Read and speak about rainforests. Level B1 What is a rainforest? A rainforest is a forest that receives heavy rainfall.

14 02, 2022

Make Our World a Happy Home

Categories: Environment, Karinka, Year 4|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Let's Make Our World a Happy Home Hi, I'm Karinka. I'm in Year 4 and I know how to make our world a happy home. Year 4 Level A1 We live on the planet Earth. Our planet Earth is amazing! Seas and oceans, forests and mountains are home to around 8.7 million species of plants and

19 04, 2021

The Addax

Categories: Animals, Liza|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

The Addax, the Screwhorn Antelope Hi, I'm Liza. All across the world wildlife is in danger of extinction as a result of human activity. An endangered species is a species that may become extinct in the near future. I'd like to share with you the information about such species. The Addax is a spiral-horned antelope.  The antelope has long,

19 04, 2021

The Vaquita Endangered Species

Categories: Animals, Ruslana|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

Endangered Species Read about the Vaquita Endangered Species Hi, I'm Ruslana. People all over the world are worried about what’s happening to the environment. Many plants and animals are in danger. When a plant or animal is gone forever, we say it is extinct. Endangered species are groups of plants or animals that are in danger of

14 04, 2020


Categories: Animals, Diana|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Tell about one of the endangered species Orangutans, Red-haired Apes Hi, I am Diana and I want to tell you about orangutans. I am sure each of you at least once heard about these animals, but do you know that they are in danger of extinction? I hope you'll enjoy the short information about these

28 02, 2020

Recycling Is Important

Categories: Environment|Tags: |4 Comments

Protect the Environment It is important to recycle as much of your waste as you can. Using recycled materials to make new products uses less energy and means that we do not need to extract more raw materials from the earth. It also means that less rubbish is created so, the amount being put into

15 02, 2020

Natural Disasters

Categories: Environment|Tags: , , |1 Comment

What do you know about natural disasters? What Are Natural Disasters? Natural disasters are extreme, sudden events caused by environmental factors that injure people and damage property. Earthquakes, windstorms, floods, and diseases all strike anywhere on earth, often without warning. Natural disasters such as flood, fire, tornado, earthquake, tsunamis are becoming more and more frequent

22 03, 2019

World Water Day 22 March

Categories: Environment|Tags: , |0 Comments

World Water Day 22 March, draws attention to the essential role of water in our lives, the difficulties people face in getting it and solutions to these problems. Before reading Vocabulary List underprivileged - малозабезпечені sanitation - санітарія hygiene - гігієна to displace - витісняти scarce - дефіцитний scarcity - дефіцит, нестача vulnerable - вразливий

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