29 01, 2018

Argumentative essay: Are you for or against zoos?

Categories: Essay, Ira|Tags: , , |4 Comments

Writing an argumentative essay Some people think that zoos are out-of-date and cruel institutions that should be closed down. Do you agree? Write an argumentative essay (for/against a statement) At the moment zoos are very popular. Many people think that animals should be in zoos, although there are some arguments both for and against them.

18 01, 2018

Using Vegetarianism

Categories: Essay, Food, Ira|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Writing an argumentative essay Write a discussion essay with the title: Are you for or against using vegetarianism? Explain your answer. Think and plan: What is the situation at the moment? What arguments for and against using vegetarianism can you think of? What is your personal opinion? At the moment vegetarianism is becoming more and

17 01, 2018

Are You For or Against Animal Testing? Discussion Essay

Categories: Essay, Ira|Tags: , |1 Comment

Writing an argumentative essay Are you for or against using animals for medical research? More than 350 years ago, scientists discovered that animals have ot similar bodies and organs to humans. So, in order to prevent human diseases, scientists tested new drugs on animals before they gave them to to humans. They say that without

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