22 01, 2020

British Traditions

Categories: Ira, The United Kingdom|Tags: , |1 Comment

Funny British Traditions Hi, I'm Ira and I'm interested in everything connected with Britain. I am fond of reading about British traditions. British traditions vary from the weird to the wonderful, from the traditional to the popular, and from the simple to the grand. I'd like to share some with you. Read and enjoy! Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling

11 04, 2019

Pubs, Important Part of British Life

Categories: The United Kingdom|Tags: , |2 Comments

British Pubs Read about pubs, important part of British life, to know more about British customs and traditions. What is a pub? The word pub is short for public house. There are over 60,000 pubs in the UK (53,000 in England and Wales, 5,200 in Scotland and 1,600 in Northern Ireland). One of the oldest

14 03, 2019

English Traditions: Weekends, Meals

Categories: Food|Tags: , , |1 Comment

English Traditions Traditions in England have been around for centuries. British traditions are famous worldwide. When one thinks of Britain, you imagine people drinking tea, wearing bowler hats and gorging on fish and chips. Sports, food and music, are tightly knit traditions in Britain. If you arrive in Great Britain you'll hear the word "tradition" everywhere.

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