4 12, 2018

About My Eating Habits

Categories: Food, Liza|Tags: |0 Comments

Hi, I'm Liza and I'd like to say a few words about my eating habits. People living in different countries have different eating habits. Every country has its own national dish. The Ukrainian cuisine is very delicious. We can't imagine our life without borshch, varenyky, holubtsy,pies and cakes. The Ukrainians are very famous for their hospitality.

13 02, 2018

Food I Eat

Categories: Food, Liza|Tags: , |0 Comments

What food do you eat? Tell us about your eating habits. I eat different kinds of food. I like to eat tasty things. I like sweet, spicy and salty food. I know that a healthy diet must contain vitamins and minerals. Bread, sugar, meat, butter, cheese and rice make us strong and give us energy.

6 02, 2018

Food for Health

Categories: Food|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Food Is Important for Our Health What food is good for our health? Remember the words form the word list "Food for Health" to speak about healthy and unhealthy food. Level A2 Word List Food for Health diet - дієта Diet and exercise are equally important. This diet is full of vitamins. She is on a diet. The best doctors are

5 02, 2018

Balanced Diet

Categories: Food, Ira|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments

How does Healthy Eating Affect Our Lives? Healthy eating really does keep the doctor away and it may also help us feel better. A balanced diet along with regular exercise can reduce the risk of illnesses such as heart diseases, diabetes and perhaps even depression. The human body needs three essential types of nutrient -

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