12 11, 2021

Personal Introduction for a Webpage

Categories: People, Vlad|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Have Practice in Writing Write a personal introduction for a webpage. Write about: personal details interests and hobbies routines Level A2 Here is a sampe of a personal introduction for a webpage written by Vlad. My name is Vlad. I'm 12 years old. I come from Ukraine. I'm Ukrainian. I live in a small but old

18 10, 2020

About Me

Categories: Elizabeth|Tags: , |3 Comments

Speaking Time Year 5 Level A1+ Speak about Yourself What can I say about me? My name is Elizabeth, Liza for short, and I'm a nine-year-old girl from from Ukraine. I'll be ten soon, my birthday is in October. The colors of my flag are yellow and blue. I think these colors are beautiful but

29 09, 2020

Year 5 Speak About Yourself

Categories: People|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Time for Speaking You are in Year 5 and you got the task: Year 5 Speak about yourself. You may use this sample to make an interesting and exciting story about yourself. Year 5 Speak about Yourself My first name is Zoriana. My surname or my family name is Stryzh. I am ten years old.

15 09, 2020

Briefly About Me

Categories: People, Vlad, Year 4|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Briefly About Me Let's have practice in speaking. Speak about yourself, please. Level A2 Elementary Hello, briefly about me. I'm Vlad and my surname is Steblyna. I'm ten years old. I'm from Ukraine. The colours of my flag are blue and yellow and I think our flag is beautiful. The capital city of Ukraine is

9 04, 2020

About Myself

Categories: Bogdan, People|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Have Practice in Writing You are looking for an English-speaking friend to practise English with. On the Internet, you’ve found the website Let’s Bfriends. Write some information about yourself to join the Let’s Bfriends website. Your email has to include the following points: Introduce yourself (nationality, age, appearance, character, etc.) Describe your likes and interests. Say what type

10 03, 2020

About My Family and Myself

Categories: Family|Tags: , |0 Comments

Speak about your family and yourself About My Family and Myself Let me introduce myself. My name is Alex Sidorov. Alex is my first name and Sidorov is my family name. I am 17 years old. I was born on the 25th of May, 1990. My birthplace is the village of Mikhailivka, Kaniv district, Cherkasy

11 09, 2018

Children and Their Hobbies

Categories: Year 3|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Children and Their Hobbies Year 3 Learn the words to speak about yourself and your friends. Miss - міс, панна (вживається перед прізвищем або ім’ям дівчини і незаміжньої жінки) Miss Brown lives in London. Meet Miss Eliza. Mrs (Mistress) [misiz] - місіз, пані (вживається перед прізвищем або ім’ям заміжньої жінки) Mrs Brown is from England. Mr (Mister)

26 11, 2017

About Me

Categories: Sasha, Year 3|Tags: |0 Comments

Will you please tell about yourself   My name is Sasha.  I am  10. My birthday is in June. I am from Ukraine. I live in Kaniv, a small town on the Dnipro River.  I’ve got father, mother and a younger brother. I have got a pet. My pet is a dog. His name is Charlie.

14 11, 2017

About Myself

Categories: Ira, People|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Will you please write about yourself. My name is Ira and my surname is Makarenko. I am a teenager, I’m 13 years old. I was born in 2004 and my birthday is on the 18th of June. I am from Ukraine and I’m proud to be Ukrainian. I live in Kaniv, a small town on

8 11, 2017

About Myself

Categories: Liza, People|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Write about yourself. Use the plan: name, age and form family home and room hometown and school likes and dislikes the best friend   My name is Liza. I am 11 years old. I am in the sixth form. I have a family. My family is not big. We are four: mother, father, my younger

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