I was born on the 7th of June in Kaniv.
My childhood dream was to visit London.
My earliest memory is how we met my mum with my newborn brother near Kaniv maternity hospital.
I’m grateful to my parents because they take care of me and help me to become a better, cleverer and more responsible person.
My life dream is to have a good life.
My Posts
My Winter Holidays
Writing: A Letter to a Friend Exam in Mind: Write a letter to a friend and tell him / her how you spent your winter/Christmas holidays. Revise how to write an informal letter. Level B1
Ube Desserts
Would You Like to Try Ube Desserts? Diana's Project Hi, I'm Diana and I'm studying the theme "Food. Cuisine" at the moment. I came across a new word 'ube' while making a "Food & Drink Alphabet".
Letter of Application for a Course
Formal Letter: A Letter of Application for a Course Read the advertisement and write your letter of application for a course. EXFORD COLLEGE Exford is beside the sea and surrounded by beautiful countryside Courses at
Letter from the Activity Camp
Writing an Informal Letter Exam in Mind Imagine you are spending a holiday at an activity camp. Write a letter to your friend and tell: what you are doing there which of the activities you
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