8 02, 2022

Year 5 Test 10

Categories: Tests, Year 5|0 Comments

Check Yourself! Do Year 5 Test 10 Level A1/A1+ Year 5 Test 10 is for the students of the fifth grade to check themselves and develop their reading and writing skills. Task 1. Read the text and say whether the statements are true or false.  Lionel Messi Lionel Messi is an Argentinian footballer. Many people think

18 01, 2022

Year 5 Test 8

Categories: Tests, Year 5|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Check Yourself! Do Year 5 Test 8 Level A1/A1+ Year 5 Test 8 is for the students of the fifth grade to check themselves and develop their reading and writing skills. Task 1. Read the text and say whether the statements are true or false.  British Meals A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal.

30 11, 2021

Year 5 Test 3

Categories: Tests, Year 5|0 Comments

Do Test 3 to Check Yourself! Level A1+ Year 5 Test 3 is for the students of the fifth grade to check themselves and develop their reading and writing skills. Task 1. Read the text and say whether the statements are true or false.  THE WHITE HOUSE The White House is the place where American President

6 03, 2018

Test 3 Year 5

Categories: Tests, Year 5|1 Comment

Develop your reading, writing and speaking skills Do Test 3 Year 5  Level A1+ Test 3 Year 5 is for the students of the fifth grade to check themselves. Reading Read the text and put the sentences in the correct order. I have got a pen friend Susan. Susan lives in Manchester in England. She

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