21 11, 2024

Close Friend

Categories: Essay, Liliya, People|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Friendship Is Essential in Life Hi there! I'm Liliya and I'd like to tell you about my close friend Polina. Friendship plays a big role in society. It is about having close relationships between people. Everyone has a close friend in their life. I have a close friend who is my classmate, and her name

21 11, 2024

Write About Friendship

Categories: Essay, People|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Friendship is ... Here are some ideas and themes you can write about friendship. These topics can be written as essays, stories, or reflections (A reflection paper is an essay that requires you to express your opinion on a topic). Which one would you like to explore? 1.The Importance of Friendship What friendship means to you.

7 09, 2024

Forgotten Murder

Categories: Book or Film Review, Liliya|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

A Forgotten Murder by Agatha Christie Hey there! I'm Liliya. That's what I'd like to share with you today. I have recently read a book that left a lasting impression on me. It’s titled A Forgotten Murder, and it’s truly a captivating read. The author, Agatha Christie is often referred to as the "Queen of

8 12, 2023

Describing Visual Information

Categories: Writing|Tags: , , |0 Comments

How to Describe Visual Information Let's learn how to describe different kinds of visual information.  Your written work on describing visual information must have the following: Introduction Basic/ General Trends Details Description Summary (optional) Vocabulary which can help you in describing visual information Exam in Mind Level B2 Introducing the graph/diagram/map/pie chart/table/bar chart Types of

20 08, 2023

Mr Queen

Categories: Book or Film Review, Liliya|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Film Review Mr Queen Hello! My name is Liliya, and I’d like to tell you about my favourite film. I've recently got interested in watching doramas. I found my favorite and it is Mr Queen. TV series from Southeast Asia, primarily from Japan and South Korea, are called doramas. The very word "dorama" is a

3 08, 2023


Categories: Book or Film Review, Nastia|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Fim Review: Mavka Hi, I'm Nastia. I'd like to share with you my impressions of the last film I've seen. It is Mavka, a Ukrainian computer-animated fantasy comedy-drama cartoon based on the play The Forest Song by poet Lesya Ukrainka. It is directed by Oleh Malamuzh and Oleksandra Ruban. The film draws inspiration from Ukrainian and Slavic folk mythology. The film premiered

1 08, 2023

The Ring

Categories: Book or Film Review, Vlad|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Film Review: The Ring Write a review of a film you've recently watched. Hi there! I'm Vlad and the film which I'm going to write about is The Ring. The Ring is a 2002 American film directed by Gore Verbinski from a screenplay by Ehren Kruger, and starring Naomi Watts, Martin Henderson and Brian Cox. The

26 07, 2023

Family Rest

Categories: Liliya, Ukraine, Writing|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Have Practice in Writing Write about your family rest last year. Give some information about: where you went and what you did; who you went with; what you liked/disliked most; whether you want to go there again. Year 7 Level A2 Hi, I'm Liliya and today I will tell you about my family rest last year.

24 07, 2023

English-Speaking Club

Categories: Liliya, Writing|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Practice in Writing There is a teacher from the USA in your school. He is going to organize an English-speaking club for students and asked you to write a note. Include the following information: who is organizing the club; how often the club will meet; activities; number of students in a group. Level A2/B1 Hi

27 06, 2023

Letter of Complaint

Categories: Dima, Formal Letter|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Writing a Formal Letter: Letter of Complaint Imagine that you visited La Monte restaurant last Friday, but you weren't pleased with the service, the quality of food or the prices. Write a letter of complaint. Exam in Mind Level B1/B2 Hello! I'm Dima and here is my letter of complaint. Dear Sir or Madam, I

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