14 12, 2023

Andriyivsky Vechornytsy

Categories: Holidays and Observances, School, Sofia|Tags: , , |1 Comment

St. Andrew's Day Celebration Hi, I'm Sophia. After class activities are very interesting in our school. We often have performances, competitions, public lessons, parties, school trips, exhibitions, fairs, etc. I always take an active part in out of class activities. The most recent highlight in our school life was a performance Andriyivsky Vechornytsy dedicated to

20 08, 2023

Rest in the Carpathians

Categories: Artiom, Irynka, Sofia, Travelling, Ukraine|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Our Rest in the Carpathians A lot of Ukrainians like to spend their holiday or have a rest in the Carpathians a beautiful region of mountains, steep streams and clean air. The Carpathians are the part of the Eastern Carpathians and they are the highest mountain range in Ukraine. Hi! We're Irynka, Sophia and Artiom. We're

4 06, 2023

My Favourite Shop

Categories: Shops & Services, Sofia|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Which shop do you like the best and why? Hi there! I'm Sofia. I like going shopping very much and it's difficult for me to say what my favourite shop is. We often do shopping in Kyiv and in our regional centre Cherkassy. There are some malls in Cherkassy but my favourite one is "Liubava". It

31 05, 2023

Last Journey

Categories: Animals, Informal Letter, Sofia, Travelling|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Writing Time Write an email to your friend about your last journey. Hello there! I'm Sofia and here is my email to a friend about my last journey. Hi Ira, How are you? I'm sorry it took me so long to write. My trip to the Carpathians was great! I travelled there with my family

19 03, 2023


Categories: Animals, Pets, Sofia|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments

Some Interesting Facts about Macaws Hi there! I'm Sofia and I keep parrots as pets. I'd like to tell you some interesting facts about macaws, parrots which have become popular pets all around the world due to their beauty and entertainment value. There are over 400 species of parrots in the world. Macaws are the

29 11, 2022

Unusual Houses

Categories: Sofia, Where We Live|Tags: , , |5 Comments

Some Weird Buildings Hi, I'm Sofia. I'd like to share my project with you. There are many unique buildings around the world. There are some absolutely weird buildings. Here are some of the unusual houses. Crooked House Krzywy Domek (crooked house) is situated in the town of Sopot, Poland, and is a part of the

7 10, 2022

Pet Budgie

Categories: Pets, Sofia|Tags: , , , , , |3 Comments

My Pet Budgie Hello! My name is Sofia. I've got a pet budgie. Her name is Shura. She is very beautiful. Shura is sky-blue and she's got yellowish feathers on the front near her beak. She can't talk but I teach her to say her name.  Shura likes sitting on my finger and especially on my

7 10, 2022

Kyiv Water Museum

Categories: Free Time, Sofia, Ukraine|Tags: , , , , , , |4 Comments

Have you ever visited Kyiv Water Museum? Hi, I'm Sofia! Our teacher of English asked us to prepare a project about any museum in Ukraine. There are lots of museums in Ukraine. I found information about an unusual and interesting museum - Kyiv Water Museum. It is also called Water Information Center. The Water Museum was

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