18 07, 2021

Seasons and Weather

Categories: Weather|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Speaking Time: Seasons and Weather When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is about weather. We speak about seasons and weather every day. So it's useful to learn the following words. Year 5 Level A1/A1+ Word List nature - природа Nature is beautiful in every season. pastime - проведення часу, розвага What are your favourite pastimes

25 05, 2021

About the Weather

Categories: Weather|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Let's Talk About the Weather Year 5 Level A1+ Learn these words to talk about the weather. sunny - сонячний The weather is warm and sunny. It was sunny and warm in Rome. windy - вітряний It was very windy yesterday. blow (blew, blown) - дути The wind is blowing. The strong wing blew yesterday. cloudy -

11 05, 2021

African Forest Elephants

Categories: Animals, Katia|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Endangered Species Hi, I'm Katia. The loss of species and natural spaces is happening all around the world. I'd like to share with you some interesting facts about African forest elephants that are on the level of extinction and need to be protected. Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth. But their size has

19 04, 2021

The Addax

Categories: Animals, Liza|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

The Addax, the Screwhorn Antelope Hi, I'm Liza. All across the world wildlife is in danger of extinction as a result of human activity. An endangered species is a species that may become extinct in the near future. I'd like to share with you the information about such species. The Addax is a spiral-horned antelope.  The antelope has long,

19 04, 2021

The Vaquita Endangered Species

Categories: Animals, Ruslana|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

Endangered Species Read about the Vaquita Endangered Species Hi, I'm Ruslana. People all over the world are worried about what’s happening to the environment. Many plants and animals are in danger. When a plant or animal is gone forever, we say it is extinct. Endangered species are groups of plants or animals that are in danger of

5 11, 2020

My Dog

Categories: Elizabeth, Pets|Tags: , , , , |7 Comments

My Pet Level A1 Tell about your pet, will you? Hi! I am Liza. I would like to tell about my dog Becky. She was a stray dog, we took it from the street. She wasn't a puppy, she was an adult dog. Now she is two years old. Becky isn't a big dog, she

7 07, 2020


Categories: Animals|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Let's learn some interesting things about toucan The toucan is a colorful bird  which can be found in tropical forests of South America. It is well recognized by people all over the world. This bird is very popular because it has got a unique appearance. They find homes in tree hollows or abandoned woodpecker holes

20 05, 2020

The Largest Moth and the Largest Butterfly

Categories: Animals, Liliya|Tags: , , |3 Comments

The Biggest Insects in the World Hi, I'm Liliya and I want to tell you about some of the biggest insects in the world. They are the largest moth and the largest butterfly. Moths are close relatives of butterflies. Most species of moths are active only at night. The Largest Moth The atlas moth is one of

3 05, 2020

Wels Catfish

Categories: Animals, Vlad|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

Hi, I'm Vlad and I love fishing. Today I'd like to share with you some interesting facts about wels catfish which is one of the biggest freshwater fish. It has long barbels. They look like cat's whiskers. That's why it was named so. Catfish has got up to four pairs of barbels. Greatest concentration of sensory

14 04, 2020


Categories: Animals, Diana|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Tell about one of the endangered species Orangutans, Red-haired Apes Hi, I am Diana and I want to tell you about orangutans. I am sure each of you at least once heard about these animals, but do you know that they are in danger of extinction? I hope you'll enjoy the short information about these

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