30 10, 2020

Halloween Celebrations

Categories: Holidays and Observances|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Halloween Read about Halloween celebrations in the USA today Halloween is celebrated by nearly all American children and over 70% of adults also participate in some Halloween activity. College students and other young adults may attend masquerade parties or Halloween parades. Many families carve pumpkins and decorate the outside of their homes with the traditional

12 02, 2020

The Lady or the Tiger

Categories: St. Valentine's Day|Tags: , , |4 Comments

Here is a story to read on Valentine's Day Read the story "The Lady or the Tiger?" about love and about the choices we have to make. In a very old time there lived a king. He was a man of great imagination and he always turned the things he imagined into facts. One of

12 12, 2019

Christmas in Great Britain Elementary School

Categories: Christmas, Year 4|Tags: |0 Comments

Let's learn to speak about Christmas traditions in Great Britain First of all, let's learn the words celebrate - святкувати Christmas - Різдво Merry Christmas! - Веселого Різдва! Happy New Year!  - З Новим роком! send greeting cards - посилати вітальні листівки relative - родич decorate - прикрашати Christmas tree - ялинка hang - вішати Christmas stocking - Різдвяна панчоха Santa Claus - Санта Клаус bring - приносити present

29 11, 2019

The Pilgrims’ First Thanksgiving

Categories: Thanksgiving|0 Comments

Easy Reading Read the story The Pilgrims' First Thanksgiving by Ann McGovern A long time ago, some men and women, boys and girls, two dogs and a cat sailed on a ship across the sea. They left their old country because they could not pray the way they wanted. The people were called Pilgrims. The ship

21 11, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving Day

Categories: Thanksgiving, Year 3|Tags: |0 Comments

Learn American Traditions Elementary school Happy Thanksgiving Day! Thanksgiving Day is a special day in the USA. It is an important holiday in America. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday in November. They give thanks for many good things in their lives. This is a family holiday. Families get together and have a big

23 10, 2019

Halloween Holiday of Fun

Categories: Elementary School, Holidays, Year 1|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Read about Halloween Holiday of Fun Level A1 Elementary In autumn British and American children like to celebrate a very nice holiday – Halloween holiday of fun. It is on the thirty-first of October. People put pumpkins on the window-sills or at the doors. They cut eyes, a nose and a mouth on the pumpkin

12 05, 2019

Mother’s Day Facts

Categories: Holidays and Observances|Tags: |0 Comments

Mother's Day is the day to shower your mom with affection (and maybe take her out for a nice meal). Here you will find some Mother's Day facts. In ancient times, many cultures would celebrate a mother goddess whom they viewed as the mother of all. In ancient Egypt, Isis was worshipped as a mother

22 04, 2019

Easter in Luxembourg

Categories: Diana, Easter|Tags: |1 Comment

Student's Project Diana has prepared an interesting information about Easter in Luxembourg.   The way in which Luxembourgers celebrate Easter involves traditions shared with other countries, such as the religious aspect or the symbol of the rabbit and eggs, but there are also some specifically Luxembourgish traditions: Klibberen, the custom of Jaudes, the lovers’ egg, the Émaischen and Péckvillercher.

1 03, 2019

Mardi Gras Facts

Categories: Holidays and Observances|Tags: , |1 Comment

Read some interesting facts about Mardi Gras What is Mardi Gras? Mardi Gras facts tell the story of a celebration that has deep historical roots. Beginning during pagan celebrations, the festival has evolved into a crazy, fun-filled event that has to be seen to be believed. With balls, parades, masks and indulgence in food and

14 02, 2019

English Performance: The Princess and the Four Gifts

Categories: St. Valentine's Day|Tags: |0 Comments

A Good play for your English drama club to prepare a performance for Valentine's Day. English performances are beneficial for students in many ways: They help students gain self-confidence because acting in front of people is not easy. Acting boosts public speaking skills. Students develop pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar skills. English Performance: The Princess and

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