4 02, 2025

Ukrainian Hryvnia

Categories: Ukraine|0 Comments

Ukrainian Hryvnia, the Currency of Ukraine The currency of Ukraine is the Ukrainian hryvnia (UAH). It became the national currency in 1996. There are 100 kopiyok in 1 hryvnia. The most frequently used banknotes are in 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 hryvnias. The most commonly used coins are 1, 2, 5, and 10

24 07, 2024

Summer Camp

Categories: Liliya, Ukraine|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Summer Rest in the Carpathians Hello! My name is Liliya, and today I will tell you about my summer camp in the Carpathian Mountains. The camp is called "Happy Land", and I stayed there for two weeks. I didn’t go there alone; I went with my friend Polina who is my classmate. Our trip started

20 08, 2023

Rest in the Carpathians

Categories: Artiom, Irynka, Sofia, Travelling, Ukraine|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Our Rest in the Carpathians A lot of Ukrainians like to spend their holiday or have a rest in the Carpathians a beautiful region of mountains, steep streams and clean air. The Carpathians are the part of the Eastern Carpathians and they are the highest mountain range in Ukraine. Hi! We're Irynka, Sophia and Artiom. We're

26 07, 2023

Family Rest

Categories: Liliya, Ukraine, Writing|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Have Practice in Writing Write about your family rest last year. Give some information about: where you went and what you did; who you went with; what you liked/disliked most; whether you want to go there again. Year 7 Level A2 Hi, I'm Liliya and today I will tell you about my family rest last year.

9 06, 2023

Viacheslav Chornovil

Categories: Dasha, Outstanding Ukrainians|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Write about the person you admire I'm Dasha and I'd like to share with you some information about Viacheslav Chornovil, the person I admire. Exam in Mind Level B2 Throughout our lives, we meet a tremendous number of people. Some of them disappoint us, while others open our eyes to new things. Fortunately, I have

8 06, 2023

Places to Visit in Ukraine

Categories: Travelling, Ukraine, Veronika|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Places to Explore in Ukraine Let's have practice in informal writing. Write a letter to your English-speaking friend about places to visit in Ukraine. Travelling helps us explore the world and discover wonders of nature. Exam in Mind Level B1/B2 Hi there! I'm Veronica and this is my letter to a friend concerning places to

7 06, 2023

Moshny Church

Categories: Artiom, Ukraine|Tags: |0 Comments

Transfiguration (Spaso-Preobrazhenska) Church Hi, I'm Artiom. Have you heard about an unusual Moshny Church? I want to tell you about the Transfiguration (Spaso-Preobrazhenska) Church. This church is located in the village of Moshny in the Cherkasy region. Moshny is a place that has been around for 500 years. Many important people lived there, but it

26 05, 2023


Categories: Ukraine, Vlad, Where We Live, Writing|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Writing What can you write about your hometown? Write about the place you live in. Give some information about: its location on the map of Ukraine its nature and attractive places why you are proud of living there what you would like to change to make it look better. I'm Vlad. My hometown is Kaniv, a

23 05, 2023

Visiting Kyiv

Categories: Dasha, Informal Letter, Ukraine|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Writing an Informal Letter Imagine that your English-speaking friend is coming for a visit to your country. In your letter: write about the weather conditions explain how she/he can get to your place mention the places you suggest visiting and the activities you suggest doing. Level B1/B2 Hello! I'm Dasha and in my letter I'd

23 05, 2023

Heroes’ Day

Categories: Holidays and Observances, Ukraine|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Heroes' Day of Ukraine Every year on May 23, Ukrainians celebrate an unofficial holiday - Heroes' Day of Ukraine in honor of Ukrainian fighters for freedom and independence.  On this day, Ukraine honors the memory of all the heroes who defended its sovereignty and independence and are currently fighting against the russian army for our

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