13 02, 2022

My Friend’s Description

Categories: Kari, People|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Writing Time: write a description of your friend How to write My Friend's Description? Write about his/her age, nationality, family, appearance, personality, some positivie things about the person and why this person is important for you. Read the sample. Level A1/A1+ My Friend's Description Hi, I'm Karina  and I can write a short description of a

21 10, 2021

School Subjects

Categories: Kari, School|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Speaking time: School Subjects Tell about school subjects you study and your attitude to them. Do you like learning? Year 5 Hello! I'm Karina. My nickname is Kari. I'm in Year 5 and this is the first year of middle school in Ukraine. We study many subjects and different teachers teach us. I am in

24 06, 2019

My Dog Jessie

Categories: Kari, Year 2|Tags: , |1 Comment

Can you write a letter to your friend in English? Write about your pet. Hello Uliana! I want to tell you about my pet, my dog Jessie. She is two years old. She is a funny Yorkshire terrier. She is not very big with silver fur. The hair on her legs is golden. Her eyes

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