11 06, 2023

Letter of Advice

Categories: Diana, Informal Letter, School|Tags: , , , , |1 Comment

Writing: A Letter of Advice Imagine that a friend of yours sent you a letter asking for advice as he/she and his/her parents disagree about what university he/she should study at. Recommend your friend what to do, write a letter of advice. Hi there! I'm Diana and this is my letter of advice. Dear Nastya, I

1 09, 2021

TV Programme Review

Categories: Diana, Mass Media|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Writing a review of a TV programme Here you will find a sample of a TV programme review. Exam in Mind Level B1/B2 Using the plan below, write a review (at least 150 words) for a TV programme you have recently seen. Write about: the title of the programme the type of the programme and

14 04, 2021

John Constable

Categories: Diana, Fine Arts|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

John Constable, an English Romantic painter and landscape painter John Constable is best known for his paintings of the English countryside around his home in Suffolk. His most famous paintings include Dedham Vale of 1802 and The Hay Wain of 1821. The area surrounding his home, on the Essex-Suffolk border in east England, is now

16 02, 2021

Albert Einstein A Gentle Genius

Categories: Diana, Science|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Read about Albert Einstein A Gentle Genius Hi, my name is Diana and I'd like to suggest reading the text Albert Einstein A Gentle Genius.  An "Einstein" If someone calls you an 'Einstein' ['ainstain], consider it a compliment. It means that you are compared to one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century. Actually, many people

27 01, 2021

My Winter Holidays

Categories: Diana, Free Time, Informal Letter|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Writing: A Letter to a Friend Exam in Mind: Write a letter to a friend and tell him / her how you spent your winter/Christmas holidays. Revise how to write an informal letter. Level B1 Here is Diana's Letter Hi Andrew, Sorry that I haven't been in touch for a while. I hope you had

10 01, 2021

Ube Desserts

Categories: Diana, Food|Tags: , |0 Comments

Would You Like to Try Ube Desserts? Diana's Project Hi, I'm Diana and I'm studying the theme "Food. Cuisine" at the moment. I came across a new word 'ube' while making a "Food & Drink Alphabet". I have found some interesting facts about ube and would like to share them with you. Violet-colored ube desserts have

27 11, 2020

Letter of Application for a Course

Categories: Diana, Formal Letter, Letter of Application|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Formal Letter: A Letter of Application for a Course Read the advertisement and write your letter of application for a course. EXFORD  COLLEGE Exford is beside the sea and surrounded by beautiful countryside Courses at all levels, September to June (full-time) Summer schools (mornings only) during August. Full social programme including sports and hobby clubs

27 10, 2020

Letter from the Activity Camp

Categories: Diana, Informal Letter|Tags: , , , |5 Comments

Writing an Informal Letter Exam in Mind Imagine you are spending a holiday at an activity camp. Write a letter to your friend and tell: what you are doing there which of the activities you like and which ones you don't like very much how you feel about the camp and whether you could recommend

14 04, 2020


Categories: Animals, Diana|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Tell about one of the endangered species Orangutans, Red-haired Apes Hi, I am Diana and I want to tell you about orangutans. I am sure each of you at least once heard about these animals, but do you know that they are in danger of extinction? I hope you'll enjoy the short information about these

10 04, 2020

Dream House of Mine

Categories: Diana, Where We Live|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Write about your dream house. If money was not a poblem, what kind of house would you like to have? Write about: type and size of house location outside (garden / garage) inside (rooms / furniture and furnishing / style other (neighbours / attractions in the neighbourhood) If money wasn’t a problem, I’d like to

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