20 09, 2018

My Visit to the Theatre

Categories: Ania, Theatre|Tags: |0 Comments

Have you ever been to the theatre? Tell about your last visit, will you? Two years ago I was in Kyiv and my aunt took me to the theatre. It was a comedy but unfortunately I don’t  remember the title. We didn’t buy tickets beforehand but bought them in the box office  right before the

25 10, 2017

The House of My Dream

Categories: Ania, Where We Live|0 Comments

Can you describe your dream house? My name is Ania. I live in Kaniv in a five-bedroom detached house with my family. But all people dream about their own well equipped house with all conveniences. I also have such a dream. I often imagine my future house in my dream. First of all, the house

25 10, 2017

Education in Ukraine

Categories: Ania, School|Tags: |0 Comments

Every country has its own system of education. There are more than 20,000 schools in Ukraine and 95% of them are state school. The other 5% of Ukraine schools are private schools where parents pay for their children’s education. There are now more and more different types of schools such as gymnasiums, lyceums, language and

23 05, 2017

Part-time Jobs for Teenagers

Categories: Ania, Work|0 Comments

Is it a good idea to have a part-time job? Level A2/B1 In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibility. In my opinion part-time jobs are the best solution for

22 05, 2017

Mom, the dearest person in my life

Categories: Ania, Family|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

I want to tell you some words about my mother because she is the dearest person in my life. My mother’s name is Natalia. First of all, I’d like to say some words about her appearance. She is a good-looking woman of 42. She is tall, thin with short brown hair, beautiful green eyes and

13 04, 2017

Ukraine Science and Technology

Categories: Ania, Science & Technology|Tags: , |0 Comments

Briefly about Ukraine Science and Technology Read about Ukraine Science and Technology Ukraine has contributed many outstanding scientists to the world. In the 15-17th centuries they were the talented physician Yury Drohobich and linguists L. Zuzania and P. Berynda. The beginning of the 17th century was also marked by the creative activity of the prominent linguist M.

13 04, 2017

Semen Hulak-Artemovsky, a famous Ukrainian composer and singer

Categories: Ania, Music|Tags: , , |0 Comments

  Semen Hulak-Artemovsky, the famous Ukrainian composer and opera singer, was born in Horodyshche, Cherkassy region. He first displayed his talent to music in his childhood. Hulak-Artemovsky studied in Kyiv and sang in church choirs. In 1838 he got acquainted with M. Hlinka who influenced his future life greatly. It was M. Hlinka who helped

13 04, 2017

Mykola Lysenko, a famous Ukrainian composer

Categories: Ania, Music|Tags: , |0 Comments

1. The fame of the Ukrainian classical music rests on such names as M. Lysenko, K. Stetsenko, S. Liudkevych, M. Leontovych, S. Hulak-Artemovskyi and others. 2. Mykola Lysenko is considered to be a composer, a conductor, a teacher. 3. He became the founder of the national musical school. 4. He was born in a well-educated

13 04, 2017

Learning English

Categories: Ania, School|Tags: , |0 Comments

Learning English is very useful in today’s world. Global demand for English is continuing to grow. English is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. English is the world’s most important language in politics, science and culture. English is the language of computer information and technology, business, sports, the air and sea,

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