Mozart, a Musical Genius

Hi, I’m Liliya and I’d like to tell you about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of the greatest composers of all time.

Mozart is one of the most famous and influential figures in the history of music. His work became the basis of classical music, and the composer’s personality and life are of interest even today. Mozart not only left behind more than 600 works that are classics of musical art, but also became a symbol of genius and difficult life trials. In this work, we will consider personal information about Mozart, his life, work and relationships.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, Austria, in the family of Leopold and Anna Mozart. He was baptized on the second day of life in St. Rupert’s Cathedral. His father was a musician and teacher, and from the age of three he began to study Wolfgang music. The boy showed amazing abilities, and by the age of six he was already impressing listeners with his playing of the harpsichord and violin. At an early age, Mozart began to give concerts throughout Europe, which was very rare for a child.

Mozart was friends with Constanze Weber, with whom he had six children, but only two of them survived to adulthood. Despite the importance of family in his life, Mozart often experienced financial difficulties. His career was full of both successes and failures. He had difficult relationships with some customers and other composers, and also often changed his place of residence, trying to find stable work.
Mozart died on December 5, 1791, at the age of 35. His death remained a mystery for many years, and various theories try to explain its causes: illness, detachment or overexertion. Mozart was buried in an unmarked grave, which added even more mystery to his death. However, after his untimely death, his musical legacy left a significant mark on world culture.

Mozart was not only a great composer, but also an interesting personality. He had a temperament, often showed humor and lived on the edge of emotions. The letters he wrote to his family and friends testify to his good mood, sophisticated irony, but also a certain sad loneliness. He was a man who could not remain in the shadows, and his character was always reflected in his music. Thanks to Mozart, classical music flourished in full force, and he became a symbol of genius in the musical world.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was not only a great composer, but also a man with deep emotions, unconventional views and great difficulties on his path. His life was short, but extremely rich in creativity and difficult trials. Mozart became a symbol of musical dignity, and his legacy will live forever in the hearts of people who experience his music.


• influential — впливовий
• composer’s personality — особистість композитора
• genius — геній
• trials — випробування
• baptized — охрещений
• harpsichord — клавесин
• failures — невдачі
• place of residence — місце проживання
• detachment — відокремленість
• overexertion — перенапруження
• sophisticated — витончений, складний
• unconventional views — нетрадиційні погляди
• difficult trials — важкі випробування

Some interesting facts about Mozart

  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria, on January 27, 1756. Salzburg is still proud of its famous citizen, and you can visit many sites related to his life there.
  • Mozart was a child prodigy, he was a musical genius even as a child. He started composing music at the age of 5 and performed for royalty by the age of 6.
  • Mozart’s father, Leopold, was a composer and musician who noticed his son’s talent early. He started teaching Mozart when he was just 3 years old.
  • Mozart toured Europe as a child with his sister, Nannerl, who was also a talented musician. They performed for kings, queens, and other nobles.
  • In his short life, Mozart composed over 600 pieces of music, including symphonies, operas, chamber music, and piano pieces.
  • Mozart wrote music very quickly. He composed the famous opera Don Giovanni in just a few weeks.
  • Mozart wrote his first symphony when he was just 8 years old, showing his exceptional talent from an early age.
  • Mozart wrote his first opera, Apollo et Hyacinthus, when he was only 11 years old.
  • Mozart could hear a piece of music just once and write it down perfectly from memory. This is called “perfect pitch.”
  • Legend says Mozart once played and composed music while blindfolded during a challenge, showing off his exceptional skill.
  • His opera The Marriage of Figaro was based on a banned play that criticized the nobility. Despite this, it became one of his most celebrated works.
  • His opera The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflöte) is one of the most popular operas in the world. It combines beautiful music with a magical story.
  • Mozart had a pet starling (a type of bird). He even wrote a piece of music inspired by the bird’s song.
  • When not composing music, Mozart enjoyed playing billiards, bowling, and card games. These hobbies helped him relax.
  • Mozart believed in lucky numbers. He often used the number 3 in his music, considering it magical and symbolic.
  • Mozart didn’t just compose operas and symphonies; he also wrote dances, church music, and even music for parties and other social events.
  • Mozart was known for being funny and playful. He often included jokes in his music and letters, showing his lighthearted personality.
  • Mozart traveled extensively and learned several languages, including German, Italian, French, and English.
  • Despite his success, Mozart often had money problems. He wasn’t good at managing finances and lived beyond his means.
  • While Mozart was well-known during his lifetime, he didn’t achieve lasting fame or financial stability. Much of his recognition came after his death.
  • Ludwig van Beethoven admired Mozart and even studied with him briefly. Beethoven’s work was heavily influenced by Mozart’s style.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died when he was only 35 years old, on December 5, 1791. The exact cause of his death is still unknown.
  • When Mozart died, he was buried in a common grave, not because he was poor, but because it was the custom in Vienna at the time.
  • Mozart’s Requiem was unfinished when he died. It was later completed by his student Franz Xaver Süssmayr, but the mystery of its commission inspired many myths.

It’s Interesting to Know

There is speculation among some researchers and historians that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart might have exhibited traits consistent with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). While there is no way to diagnose someone who lived centuries ago, these observations are based on accounts of his behavior and lifestyle.

Mozart was known for his boundless energy. He was restless and often engaged in multiple activities at once. Friends and colleagues described him as lively and constantly in motion, traits often associated with ADHD.

Although he was a genius at music, Mozart reportedly struggled to focus on other tasks. He sometimes procrastinated or worked on compositions at the last minute.

People with ADHD are often highly creative, and Mozart’s ability to compose innovative and groundbreaking music aligns with this characteristic. His compositions were complex, original, and far ahead of his time.

Historical accounts describe Mozart as being emotional and experiencing mood swings, which could be a sign of emotional dysregulation often seen in ADHD.

Mozart’s letters and anecdotes about his life reveal that he could be impulsive and prone to making inappropriate jokes or decisions, another possible ADHD trait.

Despite possible challenges with attention in other areas, Mozart had intense focus when it came to composing music. This hyperfocus is common in people with ADHD when they are deeply interested in a subject.

It’s important to note that ADHD was not recognized during Mozart’s time, and any connection is purely speculative. The idea of Mozart having ADHD doesn’t diminish his genius; it might even highlight how his unique traits contributed to his extraordinary creativity and productivity.