Let’s Talk about Schools and School Life

Going to schools and school life is really important for kids. It helps them learn important things like math and reading, and it also teaches them how to do well in their community and the world.

Level A2 Year 7 / Year 8

Schools and School Life: Types of Schools

There are different types of school:

kindergarten/nursery school – дитячий садок/ясла
preparatory school – підготовча школа
primary school/elementary school – початкова школа
state school/public school – державна школа
private school – приватна школа
middle school – cередня школа
high school – старша школа
junior high school – неповна середня школа
senior high school – старша середня школа
secondary school – середня школа
homeschool – домашня школа
boarding school (a school where students live and study) – школа-інтернат
online school – онлайн школа
co-educational / co-ed school (a school where boys and girls study together) – школа спільного навчання
single-sex school (a school only for boys or only for girls) – одностатева школа
church related school (a private religious school run by a church) – школа споріднена з церквою
comprehensive school (a secondary school for pupils aged 11–16 or 11–18) – загальноосвітня школа
gymnasium – гімназія
lyceum – ліцей
school with in-depth/thorough/enhanced study of subjects – школа з поглибленим/ґрунтовним/посиленим вивченням предметів
regular school – звичайна школа
day school – денна школа
night school (a night school is an adult learning school that holds classes in the evening) – вечірня школа

Answer the questions

  1. What kind of school do you go to, and what do you like most about it?
  2. What kinds of school are there in your town/city?
  3. Have you ever heard of other types of schools, like private schools or homeschools? What do you know about them?
  4. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be homeschooled? What questions would you ask someone who is homeschooled?
  5. Do you know anyone who goes to a different type of school? What have you learned from them about their school experience?
  6. What do you think might be some differences between a regular public school and a private school?
  7. If you could choose any type of school to attend, what type would it be, and why?
  8. What do you think might be the similarities and differences between a school in a big city and a school in a small town?
  9. Have you ever wondered what school might be like in other countries? What do you think could be similar or different?
  10. If you could create your own school, what would it be like? What subjects or activities would you include?
  11. Can you name some special schools, like music schools, art schools, or sports schools? What do you think students might learn there?
  12. If you had to explain to a friend what school is all about, what would you say?
  13. What types of schools can you name?

Schools and School Life: People in a School

pupil/student – учень/студент
schoolboy – школяр
schoolgirl – школярка
schoolchildren – школярі
classmate – однокласник
schoolmate – шкільний товариш
school leaver – випускник школи
teacher – учитель
teacher of Ukrainian – вчитель української мови
Chemistry teacher – вчитель хімії
teaching staff – педагогічний колектив
form teacher – класний керівник
deputy head/assistant principal – заступник директора/завуч
headmaster/headmistress/principal/head teacher – директор/директорка
psychologist (a special helper in schools who helps students in many different ways, not just with their studies, but also with their feelings and how they get along with others) – психолог
librarian – бібліотекар
secretary/receptionist – секретар
doctor – лікар
cook – кухар
nurse – медсестра
janitor – прибиральник

Answer the questions

  1. How many pupils are there in your class/school?
  2. Do you have friends among your schoolmates?
  3. Is your best friend your classmate?
  4. Who is your form teacher? What subject is she a teacher of?
  5. Who is your Chemistry/Physics/English/German/IT teacher?
  6. Who is your favourite teacher?
  7. Is your headmaster strict?
  8. Does your school psycholgist help children to do well in their schoolwork, make friends, and feel good about themselves?
  9. Does a librarian recommend students what books to read?
  10. How often do you consult your school doctor?
  11. The students should respect the janitors’ work, shouldn’t they?

Schools and School Life: Places in a School

facility/facilities (something designed, built, installed, etc., to serve a specific function affording a convenience or service) – обладнання, пристосування
entrance – вхід
classroom – класна кімната, клас
English classroom – кабінет англійської мови
canteen – їдальня
gym/gymnasium – спортзал
boys’/girls’ changing room – роздягальня для хлопчиків/дівчаток
headmaster’s office – кабінет директора
lab/laboratory – лабораторія
science lab – наукова лабораторія
library – бібліотека
staffroom/teachers’ room – учительска
corridor – коридор
assembly hall – актовий зал
playground – дитячий майданчик
sportsground/sports field – спортмайданчик
football pitch – футбольне поле
tennis court – тенісний корт
locker/lockers – шафка/шафки
computer room – комп’ютерний клас
toilet – туалет
stairs – сходи

How to Describe a Place in Your School

What it looks like:

  • what floor the room is on
  • its size (how long, high and wide it is)
  • if there are windows
  • what colour the walls are and how the room is decorated
  • the furniture
  • the equipment.

What kind of lessons or activities are held there.

What feelings and emotions you experience there.

Answer the questions:

  1. What is your favorite subject in school, and which classroom is it held in?
  2. Can you name three things you find in every classroom?
  3. What is your favourite classroom?
  4. What is your favourite place in your school?
  5. What kinds of books can you find in the library?
  6. Why is the library an important place in your school?
  7. Do you enjoy going to the school gym? Why or why not?
  8. What activities or games do you play in the gym during PE class?
  9. How does being active in the gym help us stay healthy?
  10. What do you usually eat for lunch at school?
  11. Do you have a favorite meal from the school canteen?
  12. What do you like to do on the playground during breaks?
  13. Can you name some of the equipment or structures on the playground?
  14. Have you ever been to the principal’s office? What was it for?
  15. Why is it important to have a nurse at school?
  16. Why is learning about computers and technology important?

A list of common equipment and structures you might find on a playground:

  • a swing
  • a slide
  • a jungle gym (a climbing structure that can include bars, ladders, platforms, and tunnels)
  • a seesaw (a teeter-totter that allows children to go up and down by shifting their weight)
  • monkey bars (s set of horizontal bars for climbing and swinging from)
  • a sandbox
  • a playhouse (a small house-like structure)
  • a climbing wall
  • a merry-go-round (a spinning platform that children can push to rotate)
  • spring riders (animal-shaped ride-on structures that bounce when children sit on them)

Schools and School Life: School Objects

blackboard / board – дошка
a piece of chalk – крейдa
whiteboard – біла дошка
interactive whiteboard / smartboard – інтерактивна дошка/смартборд
sponge – губка
copybook / exercisebook – зошит
workbook – робочий зошит
textbook/coursebook – підручник
notebook /notepad – блокнот
daybook – щоденник
register book – журнал
TV set / television – телевизор
computer – компьютер
projector – проектор
laptop – ноутбук
CD player – CD-плеер
DVD player – DVD плеер
speakers – колонки
folder – папка
file – файл
bookcase – книжкова шафа
shelf/shelves – полиця/полиці
pencil case – пенал
eraser / rubber – гумка
sharpener – точилка
ruler – лінійка
protractor – транспортир
triangle – косинець/трикутник
compass – циркуль, компас
paint set – набір фарб
felt-tip pens – фломастери
coloured pencils – кольорові олівці
scissors – ножиці
adhesive tape – скотч
corrector – коректор
a sheet of paper – аркуш паперу
globe – глобус
maps – карти
atlas/atlases – атлас/атласи
dictionary – словник
PE kit – спортивна форма

Schools and School Life: Going to School / Studying

at the age of 6 – у віці 6 років
timetable – розклад
lesson/class – урок
in class – на уроці
before classes – перед заняттями
after classes – після занять
attend classes – відвідувати заняття
miss classes – пропускати заняття
be late for – запізнитися на
be present – бути присутнім
be absent – бути відсутнім
out-of-class activities – позакласна діяльність
truant – прогульник
play truant – прогулювати
grade / mark – оцінка, бал
mark / grade homework – оцінити домашнє завдання
wear a uniform – носити форму
study – навчатися
studies – навчання
break – перерва
have a break – мати перерву
during a break – під час перерви
lunch break – обідня перерва
holidays – канiкули
learn – вивчати, дізнаватися
learn by heart – вчити напам’ять
memorise – запам’ятовувати
school trip – шкільна поїздка/екскурсія
term/semester – семестр
write an essay – написати твір
written work – письмова робота
academic results – результати навчання
report – табель успішності
get a good/bad mark – отримати хорошу/погану оцінку
cheat in a test – списувати/обманювати на контрольній роботі
correct test papers – виправляти контрольні роботи
do well/badly in a test – добре/погано виконати тест
fail a test – провалити тест
get the results of a test – отримати результати тесту
prepare for a test – підготуватися до контрольної роботи
revise for a test – повторювати до контрольної роботи
score 100 marks in a test – набрати 100 балів на тесті
do homework – робити домашнє завдання
do a project/an exercise/an experiment – виконати проект/вправу/експеримент
do your best – робити все що можеш
hand in homework/test papers – здати домашні/контрольні роботи
make a presentation – зробити презентацію
make mistakes – робити помилки
make progress – робити успіхи
take an active part in a lesson – брати активну участь на уроці
participate in a lesson – брати участь в уроці
read maps – читати карти
set homework – задати домашнє завдання
solve a problem – вирішити проблему; розв’язати задачу
staff meeting – педрада
study hard – наполегливо вчитися

Answer the questions:

  1. What age do children start schooling in Ukraine?
  2. What do you think of your timetable?
  3. How many classes a day do you usually have?
  4. What do you do before/after classes?
  5. Do you sometimes miss your classes?
  6. Are you sometimes late for classes?
  7. Do you have truants in your class? Does anyone play truant in your school?
  8. What out-of-class activities are held at your school?
  9. Do you like school trips?
  10. How many sememsters is the school year divided into?
  11. Are good and excellent marks important for you?
  12. What marks do you usually get?
  13. Do you have to wear a school uniform?
  14. What’s your attitude to cheating in tests?
  15. What do you usually do during breaks?
  16. When is your lunch break?
  17. Have you ever failed a test?
  18. Do you like writing essays?
  19. Is it easy for you to learn poems by heart?
  20. Do you have troubles with memorising dates?
  21. Do you like making presentations/doing projects?
  22. Is doing homework boring for you?
  23. How long does it take you to do your homework?
  24. Is it important to revise for a test?
  25. Can you read maps?
  26. Do you always take an active part in lessons?
  27. Do you study hard?
  28. Have you ever been to a staff meeting?
  29. Do you show the report to your parents?
  30. Do you do your best in studying?

Why Is My School Amazing?

I love my school, because it’s not just a place of learning; it’s like a second home to me. I come to school to explore, learn, and grow. One of the best things about my school is the people. Our teachers are friendly, caring and understanding. They inspire us to love learning. They always give a helping hand when we need it. Each day is a new learning adventure at my school.
I love our school’s comfortable, colorful and creative spaces. The schoolyard is a place where we get to run, play, and have fun. It’s the perfect break between our lessons.

We celebrate holidays and cultural festivals and events in our school assembly hall. It’s a chance for us to showcase our talents and bond as a school community. My school isn’t just about academics. We also learn important life lessons about kindness, respect, and responsibility. My school encourages us to dream big and reach for the stars. I always feel safe at my school.

In conclusion, my school is a place for exciting adventures and discoveries, a place where friendships are made, and memories are created.

What do you think of schools and school life?

Schools and School Life: School Subjects

subject – навчальний предмет
compulsory subjects – обов’язкові предмети
optional subjects – факультативні предмети
Ukrainian Language – українська мова
Ukrainian Literature – українська література
World Literature – всесвітня/зарубіжна література
Mathematics/Maths/Math – математика
Algebra – алгебра
Geometry – геометрія
Physics – фізика
Chemistry – хімія
Biology – біологія
Geography – географія
History – історія
Nature Study – природознавство
Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) – наука
Computer Studies / Information Technology/IT – інформатика
English – англійська мова
German – німецька мова
French – французька мова
Spanish – іспанська мова
foreign language – іноземна мова
Arts – образотворче мистецтво
Art and Design – мистецтво та дизайн
Music – музика
Physical Education / PE – фізкультура
Craft – трудове навчання
Religion/Religious Education – релігія/релігійна освіта

Answer the questions:

  1. Which school subject do you like the most?
  2. Which school subject do you like the least?
  3. Do you prefer the science subjects or humanities?
  4. Which school subjects do you think are generally popular? Why?
  5. Which school subjects do you think are not very popular?
  6. Do you think students should choose their preferred subjects?
  7. Do you think some subjects are totally useless?
  8. Which subjects do you think are missing at schools?
  9. Which subjects do you think are going to be useful for your future?
  10. Do you think the subjects which are taught at schools prepare the students well for their adult life?

Schools and School Life: Speak about Your Teachers

My teacher of English is … She/He is … She/He has a pleasant smile. She/He …

kind – добрий
understanding – який розуміє
kind-hearted – сердечний
honest – чесний
intelligent – розумний
fun-loving – веселий
wise – мудрий
caring – який турбується
sociable – комунікабельний
easy-going – добродушний
nice – милий
cheerful – бадьорий
full of ideas – повний ідей
competent – компетентний
protective – який захистить
helpful – готовий допомогти
friendly – дружній
hard-working – працьовитий
polite – ввічливий
cooperative – співпрацюючий
demanding – вимогливий
fair – справедливий
unfair – несправедливий
motivating – той, хто мотивує
professional – професіонал; висококваліфікований
punctual – пунктуальний
strict – строгий
has class pets – має улюбленців у класі
has a pleasant smile – має приємну посмішку
tries to make learning exciting – намагається зробити навчання хвилюючим
can comfort you – може заспокоїти тебе
knows a lot of interesting facts – знає багато цікавих фактів
thinks of every pupil in class – думає про кожного учня в класі
teaches not to give up – вчить не здаватися

What is a good teacher like in your opinion?

Schools and School Life

This is a sample how to speak about your school and school life.

  1. In Ukraine children start school at the age of six.
  2. School begins on the first of September known as the Day of Knowledge and finishes in May.
  3. The school year is divided into two semesters.
  4. There are four breaks during the school year called autumn, winter, spring and summer holidays.
  5. I’m in Year 7 and I study at school number … .
  6. Our school is situated … (in the centre of our town, on the outskirts of our town).
  7. We are allowed not to wear a school uniform.
  8. I go to school five days a week: on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
  9. We don’t go to school on Saturdays and Sundays, they are our days off.
  10. The classes start at 8.30 a. m.
  11. We usually have six or seven classes every day.
  12. Pupils have lunch in the school canteen.
  13. We borrow textbooks and books in the school library.
  14. Pupils do not choose subjects at our school.
  15. This year we study Ukrainian, Ukrainian Literature, World Literature, English, Maths, History, Geography, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, PE, Handicraft, Music, Art and IT.
  16. My favourite subjects are ___________________________________________________
  17. We have a computer room, science labs and a well-equipped English classroom.
  18. I don’t like that pupils get a lot of homework every day.
  19. Out-of-class activities usually start after classes and they are a part of school life.
  20. Pupils may join: … (a choir, an orchestra, an art club, a crafts club, a dancing club, an English club, a drama club, a chess club, a photography club, a music club).
  21. They may go in for sports and train in sport clubs: football, volleyball, tennis, judo, and karate clubs.
  22. Many students take part in sports competitions.
  23. There is a football pitch outside.
  24. Concerts, performances, festivals, parties, contests and meetings are held in our school assembly hall.
  25. Sometimes we have exhibitions of the students’ art and project work.
  26. I take an active part in our school life. I _______________________________________