When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather.
Level B1
Remember The Weather Words
- rainfall – злива
- a snowfall – снігопад
- moisture – волога
- a gentle (strong) wind – слабкий (сильний) вітер
- sleet – мокрий сніг
- hail – град
- frost – мороз
- dew – роса
- breeze – легкий вітерець, бриз
- gale – буря, шторм
- thunderstorm – гроза
- thunder – грім
- it thunders – гримить грим
- thunderbolt (a flash of lightning with a simultaneous crash of thunder) – удар блискавки
- thunderclap – удар грому
- lightning – блискавка
- it lightens – блискає
- hurricane – ураган
- crop – урожай, посів
- to harvest – збирати урожай
- to melt – танути
- thaw – відлига, танути
- to cause – спричиняти
- damp – вологий
- distinctive – відмінний, характерний
- vegetation – рослинність
- to occur – траплятися
- to determine – визначати
- sun-ray – сонячний промінь
- icy sheet – крига
- to bud – набрунитися
- to blossom – розквітнути
- to sow – сіяти
- to awaken – пробудити
- to become sunburnt – загорати
- shower – злива
- It’s raining cats and dogs. – Ллє як з відра.
- Indian summer – бабине літо
- to resume – відновити
- to wither – в’янути
- rainbow – веселка
- barometer – барометр
- weather forecast – прогноз погоди
- to expect cool weather – очікувати холодну погоду
- calm morning – тихий ранок
- mist – туман, імла
- changeable – мінливий
- the sky is overcast – небо затягнуте хмарами
- multicolored – багатобарвний
- nasty weather – погана погода
- to freeze (froze, frozen) – замерзати
- hoar-frost – іній
- icicle – бурулька
- heat – спека
- it is clearing up – роз’яснюється
Rain, snow, hail, sleet, frost, and dew are all a part of the weather. So are cold waves, heat waves, clouds, breezes, gales, thunderstorms, and hurricanes.What is the weather going to be? This question is really several questions in one. It means: will the sky be cloudy or clear? Will any rain or snow fall? How cool or warm will it be? How much moisture will there be in the air? From what direction will the wind come? Will the wind be gentle or strong?
In some parts of the world the weather stays very much the same day after day. In other places it changes often. A summer day that starts out to be bright and sunshiny may end with a thunderstorm. In the same way a cold and cloudy winter morning may be followed by a clear and springlike afternoon.
In places where the weather changes often, everyone is interested in it. But not everyone wants the same kind weather. A farmer may want a rainy day because his crop needs rain. His neighbour may want a sunshiny day because it is time for him to harvest. Some people may be glad to see a heavy snowstorm because they want to go skiing. Others may not like the snow at all because it blocks the roads and makes traveling hard. Not everyone is happy when there is a week of warm, shiny weather in early spring. Some people know that the snow is melting so fast that rivers will flood.
Even if a person does not mind heat or cold or rain or snow, the weather is important to him. Bad weather may ruin crops so that food will cost more. It may cause forest fires, flood homes and so on. The weather affects the lives of all of us in a great many ways.
Once Mark Twain said: “Everyone talks about the weather, but no one ever does anything about it”. Today this saying is not altogether true.
We have learned to make the weather inside our houses anything we want it to be. We can make the air warmer. Or we can cool it off. We can put more moisture in it if it is too dry. Or, if it is too damp, we can take some of the moisture out of it. We can turn on lights if it is dark and cloudy out of doors. And by simply turning the switch of an electric fan we can start a pleasant breeze blowing.
Even out of doors we have begun to experiment with changing the weather. We can make fogs disappear from airplane landing fields and cause rain. But probably we have to take the weather as it comes.
Usually the weather depends upon the season we live in. The season is characterized by distinctive temperature, rainfall, vegetation and the like, which occurs at different times in different regions and is determined by the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun.
There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. There are three months in every season.
In spring the days become longer and nights shorter. The sun shines warm. Bright spring sun-rays begin to melt snow in the fields and in the streets, icy sheet on the rivers and lakes. The trees begin to bud and soon tiny green leaves begin to appear. Birds come back from the south. The fruit trees begin to blossom. The farmers begin to sow the fields. Nature awakens.
In summer the days are the longest and the nights are the shortest. It is very hot. People have holidays and vacations. They spend much time on the seashores, river beaches, in the forests and in the mountains. It is a good time to become sunburnt, to swim, to pick mushrooms and berries, to gather flowers, in short, to have a good rest. Summer is the time of rains, showers, thunderstorms and lightning. Sometimes it’s raining cats and dogs.
In autumn the days become shorter and nights longer. The sky is often cloudy. This is a rainy season. But there are some sunny days in late September which are called Indian summer. It is getting colder. Pupils and students resume their study. The farmers harvest what they have sowed in spring. A proverb says, “As you sow, you shall mow”. The tree leaves, grass turn yellow and fall. By the way, fall is the name of autumn in American English. Birds fly away to the south to come back in spring. Nature begins to wither. Late autumn welcomes winter.
In winter the days are the shortest and the nights are the longest. The sky is grey, the sun shines, but it doesn’t warm. Soon it will snow, perhaps heavily and the ground will be covered with a white sheet. The weather gets frosty. The greatest holidays in winter are Christmas and New Year. And we say on these days “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year”.
Learn Proverbs and Sayings About the Weather and Seasons
- After rain or clouds comes fair weather. – Після бурі настає тиша.
- Rain before seven, fine before eleven. – Сім п’ятниць на тиждень.
- The morning sun never lasts a day. – Ніщо не вічне.
- Christmas comes but once a year. – Двічі на рік літа не буває.
- There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes.
- As you sow, you shall mow. – Що посієш, те й пожнеш.
- April showers bring May flowers.
Different Weather Patterns
Weather can change a lot from day to day. For example, when the sky is clear and blue, it is sunny. The sun shines brightly, and it feels warm, making sunny days perfect for going outside and enjoying the fresh air.
Sometimes, it rains, and the sky becomes cloudy. Water falls from the clouds, and you might need an umbrella or raincoat to stay dry.
In winter, it can snow. Snow falls from the sky and covers the ground, making everything look white and very cold. Warm clothes are important on snowy days.
On windy days, the wind blows strongly, and you can feel the air moving. It might be difficult to walk or ride a bike, so wearing a hat can help keep you comfortable.
When the sky is full of clouds, it is cloudy. It can look dark, and the sun is hidden. Sometimes, it might rain or snow when it is cloudy.
Fog makes the air look thick and unclear, making it hard to see far. If you are driving in foggy weather, you should be extra careful.
Storms bring strong winds, heavy rain, and sometimes thunder and lightning. Stormy weather can be dangerous, so it’s best to stay indoors during a storm.
Understanding these different weather patterns helps us prepare for the day and plan our activities better.