Speaking Time: Summer
Read and speak about summer
Level A2/B1
- Summer comes after spring.
- Summer months are June, July and August.
- It is the hottest season of the year, the temperature is at its highest.
- In summer the days are the longest and the nights are the shortest.
- Most nations usually celebrate the shortest night in the year with special rituals on June 22.
- The summer solstice is the longest day of the year.
- Most of the time there is wonderful, dry weather.
- Trees are dressed in green clothes, and beetles buzz above them, and butterflies flitter.
- The enormous amount of beautiful blossoms of blue, red, orange, yellow, violet colours is fascinating.
- The birds sing their cheerful songs, and the evenings you hear the chirping sounds of crickets.
- The dry winds usually bring droughts which are bad for crops.
- Summer is the time of rains, showers, hailstorms, thunderstorms and lightning.
- But people usually welcome them as they bring a relief from the heat.
- Sometimes it’s raining cats and dogs.
- Everyone rejoices when a beautiful and colorful rainbow appears in the sky after the rain.
- Summer is time of holidays and vacations.
- Schools and universities have a summer break although dates vary.
- Lots of people look forward to summer vacation at the sea.
- People spend much time on the seashores, river beaches, in the forests and in the mountains.
- It is a good time to become sunburnt, to swim, to pick mushrooms and berries, to gather flowers, to travel and go sightseeing, in short, to have a good rest.
- You can arrange picnics near the river, go on long hikes, or go fishing with friends.
- There are a lot of lovers to spend vacation at the cottage or in the village.
- The summer season gives us fresh fruits, berries and vegetables.
- Strawberries are the first fresh fruit that you eat in this season.
- Summer gives us a variety of choices, bright colors and amazing aromas.
- Summer warms the cockles of our hearts.
Word List
special rituals – особливі ритуали
summer solstice – літнє сонцестояння
beetles buzz – жуки гудуть
butterflies flitter – метелики мерехтять
enormous amount of – величезна кількість
fascinating – чарівний
cheerful songs – веселі пісні
the chirping sounds of crickets – цвірінькання цвіркунів
droughts – посухи
bad for crops – погано для врожаю
bring a relief from the heat – принести полегшення від спеки
it’s raining cats and dogs – ллє як з відра
rejoice – радіти
have a summer break – мати літні канікули
although dates vary – хоча дати варіюються
look forward to summer vacation – з нетерпінням чекати літніх канікул
to become sunburnt – засмагати
arrange picnics – влаштовувати пікніки
go on long hikes – ходити в далекі походи
a variety of choices – різноманітність вибору
amazing aromas – дивовижні аромати
warms the cockles of our hearts – зігріває наші серця
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