What Are Stative Verbs?
The verbs that are only used in simple tenses (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple), and are not used in continuous tenses (Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Future Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous) are called stative, or state verbs. A verb which isn’t stative is called a dynamic verb. Often stative verbs are about liking or disliking something, or about a mental state, not about an action. Some stative verbs can be used as dynamic but in different meaning. The stative verbs list below will help you revise some stative verbs and use them correctly.
Exam in Mind Level B1 / B2
Here is the stative verbs list:
agree – погодитись
She didn’t agree with us. Her husband couldn’t help but agree. You drive a hard bargain, but I agree.
appear – з’являтися, здаватися
It appears to be raining. She appeared not to know what was happening. One by one, the stars appeared in the sky. The storm disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared.
believe – вірити, вважати
I don’t believe the news. He says he’ll help us, but I don’t believe what he says. Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead.
belong – належати
This book belonged to my grandfather.
concern – стосуватися, турбувати
This concerns you. The story concerns a friend of mine. The letter is to everybody it concerns. The roof of the barn concerns me because eventually it will fall in. His unsatisfactory work concerns me.
consist – складатися, збігатися
Bread consists of flour, water and yeast. The exhibition consists of 180 drawings. The information perfectly consists with our friend’s account.
contain – містити, включати
This box contains a cake. The book contains over 200 recipes. The article contains information on how to plan your retirement. Food that contains a high level of fat is not healthy. The documentary contains interesting information for both children and adults.
depend – залежати
It depends on the weather. Differences in earnings depend on a wide variety of factors.
deserve – заслуговувати
He deserves to pass the exam. The referee deserves a pat on the back for his bravery. It’s been so long since I’ve satisfied my cravings and I deserve a reward for my diligence. What did I do to deserve this?
disagree – не погодитися
I disagree with you. He is tolerant of those who disagree with him. The conclusions disagree with the facts. Scientists disagree about how the universe was created. Even friends sometimes disagree.
dislike – не любити
I have disliked mushrooms for years. What you dislike in another, take care to correct in yourself. I dislike being away from my family. He seems to dislike any form of exercise. Why do you dislike him so much?
doubt – сумніватися
I doubt what you are saying. I doubt my ability to do the job. I doubt the truth of this report. I doubt the accuracy of your statement. No one could ever doubt her loyalty.
hate – ненавидіти
Julie’s always hated dogs. I hate to bother you. I hate to see things done by halves. He loves peace and hates war. Both of them hate height.
hear – чути
Do you hear music? Have you heard the news? She just doesn’t hear what I’m telling her. He did not hear very well.
imagine – уявляти, думати
I imagine you must be tired. Can you imagine that Jack has set up a company of his own? I like the house but I don’t imagine I’ll live there forever.
impress – вразити
He impressed me with his story. She impressed us by her past achievements. Jack impressed a Harvard professor by his knowledge of physics.
include – включати, містити в собі
This cookbook includes a recipe for bread. My hobbies include reading and painting. The building plans include much needed new office accommodation. Does the price include postage? Tickets include the price of refreshments. Does the price include tax?
involve – залучати, включати
The job involves a lot of travelling. What will the job involve? The test will involve answering questions about a photograph. His transfer to another school involved an assessment procedure.
know – знати
I’ve known Julie for ten years. When three know it, all know it. The years teach much which the days never know. As a modern parent, she knows that it’s not how much you give children those counts, it’s the love and attention you shower on them.
like – подобатися, любити
I like reading detective stories. She likes to be the center of attention. I don’t like leaving her on her own too long. Modern teenagers don’t like reading books.
love – любити
I love chocolate. He loved his sister dearly. Men love to hear well of themselves. Whom the gods love die young.
matter – мати значення
It doesn’t matter. What’s the matter? You look pretty fed up. It didn’t matter in the least.
mean – означати, мати намір
‘Enormous’ means ‘very big’. Real peace doesn’t mean absence of war. He didn’t mean to harm you. I don’t know what you mean.
measure – відміряти, міряти
This window measures 150cm. You didn’t measure the angle accurately. How do you measure the volume of a gas?
mind – звертати увагу, заперечувати
She doesn’t mind the noise. He who would catch fish mush not mind getting wet. Do you mind my opening the window?
need – потребувати
At three o’clock yesterday I needed a taxi. I need help now. We need in politics men who have something to give, not men who have something to get.
owe – бути в боргу перед кимсь, заборгувати
I owe you £20. I owe you a drink for helping me move. I think you owe me an explanation. You owe him an apology for what you said. How much do I owe you for the groceries?
own – володіти
She owns two cars. His father owns a restaurant.
prefer – віддавати перевагу, підвищувати
I prefer chocolate ice cream. He was preferred to the post. Do you prefer comedy or tragedy? They prefer to be paid in foreign currency. Which brand of toothpaste do you prefer?
promise – обіцяти
I promise to help you tomorrow. I promise I will do my duty. We promise to deliver within 48 hours. He promised to forward my mail.
realise – усвідомлювати, уявляти, реалізувати
I didn’t realise the problem. He realized his mistake at once. His worst fears have been realized. He didn’t realize what a gaffe he’d made. A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, and realize how blessed you are for what you have.
recognise – розпізнати, усвідомлювати
I didn’t recognise my old friend. I recognize you now. You are Mary’s husband. We recognize the necessity for a written agreement. I don’t know the title but I recognize the tune.
remember – пам’ятати, пригадувати
He didn’t remember my name. I don’t remember my first day at school. I definitely remember sending the letter. He didn’t remember every detail.
seem – здаватися
The weather seems to be improving. Jessica certainly didn’t seem to be a fool. The tickets seem to have got lost. You don’t seem quite yourself today. She did not seem at all afraid. Some of his views seem rather extreme.
sound – звучати, створювати враження
Your idea sounds great. His arguments sound convincing. He sounded worried. Molly agreed, but she did not sound very convinced.
suppose – припускати
I suppose John will be late. I suppose I got there about half past eleven. What do you suppose you will do after school? Why do you suppose he resigned? I don’t suppose for a minute that he’ll agree. He doesn’t suppose he’ll ever see her again.
surprise – здивувати
The noise surprised me. Her visit surprised me. He often surprises his girlfriend.
understand – зрозуміти
I don’t understand this question. I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. I understand what you mean. We fully understand the reason for your decision. Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the dumb understand.
want – хотіти
I want to go to the cinema tonight. You don’t want to believe everything you hear. Brave actions never want a trumpet. If you want peace, prepare for war. Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.
weigh (=have weight) – зважити
This cake weighs 450 g. Weigh yourself on the day you begin the diet. How much do you weigh? When did you weigh last? I always weigh my words before speaking. You always weighs up the pros and cons.
wish – бажати
I wish I had studied more. If you wish good advice, consult an old man. I wish you’d be more positive. We wish her luck in her new career.
Some verbs can be both stative and dynamic
be is usually a stative verb, but when it is used in the continuous it means ‘behaving’ or ‘acting’
you are stupid = it’s part of your personality; you are being stupid = only now, not usually
have (stative) = own: I have a car.
have (dynamic) = part of an expression: I’m having a party / a picnic / a bath / a good time / a break / fun
see (stative) = see with your eyes / understand: I see what you mean. I see her now, she’s just coming along the road.
see (dynamic) = meet / have a relationship with: I’ve been seeing my boyfriend for three years. I’m seeing Robert tomorrow.
feel (stative = have an opinion) – відчувати, сприймати, бути на дотик
I don’t feel that this is a good idea. I felt a sense of excitement. I feel bad about the mistake. I feel really guilty at forgetting her birthday again. You’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep. I don’t feel like eating anything. The very thought of it makes me feel sick. I feel that you’re not telling me the truth. It’s so cold I can’t feel my toes. The baby’s skin feels like silk.
feel (dynamic) = to talk about our health: How are you feeling today? I’m feeling great. I am not feeling well.
taste (stative) = has a certain taste: This soup tastes great. I taste salt in this soup.
taste (dynamic) = the action of tasting: The chef is tasting the soup.
smell (stative) = sense, has a certain smell: I smell something burning in the kitchen.
smell (dynamic) = the action of smelling: She’s smelling lilac in the garden.
look (stative) = have the appearance or give the impression of being: It looks as if Molly has finished the essay. She looks happy.
look (dynamic) = take a look: Molly is looking through the newspaper.
think (stative) = have an opinion: I think that coffee is great.
think (dynamic) = consider, have in my head: What are you thinking about? I’m thinking about my next holiday.
fit (stative) =be of the right size: This shirt fits me well. Those jeans still fit me. Angela says we can all fit in her car. The shoes fit better after being stretched.
fit (dynamic) = install: They are fitting the cabinets in the kitchen.
Keep in mind that this stative verbs list is not complete.
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