Planets of the Solar System
Here you will a brief information about each of the Solar System planets.
Level A1 Elementary
Word List Solar System Planets
- planet – планета
- the Solar System – Сонячна система
- Sun – Сонце
- energy – енергія
- galaxy – галактика
- Milky Way – Чумацький шлях
- gigantic – гігантський
- temperature – температура
- degree – градус
- above zero – вище нуля
- Mercury – Меркурій
- Venus – Венера
- Earth – Земля
- Mars – Марс
- Jupiter – Юпітер
- Saturn – Сатурн
- Uranus – Уран
- Neptune – Нептун
- Pluto – Плутон
- rock – камінь
- ring – кільце
- gas – газ
- star – зірка
- ice – лід
- the furthest – найдальша
- moon – супутник планети
- possible – можливий
- atmosphere – атмосфера
- scientist – вчений
- discover – відкривати
Watch this presentation and speak about Solar System Planets
Solar System Planets
- Our world is the planet Earth.
- It is one of the nine planets around the Sun. They are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto.
- Nine planets and the Sun make up the Solar System.
- The Solar System is in a galaxy – the Milky Way.
- A galaxy is any of the large systems of stars.
- The Sun is a star.
- It gives energy to nine planets.
- The Sun is very hot.
- It’s a gigantic ball made of hot gas.
- The temperature on the Sun is about 6,000 degrees above zero.
- The Sun gives light and warmth to Earth. We can’t live without the Sun.
- The planet nearest to the Sun is Mercury.
- Mercury is made of rock.
- It is hot. But it is not the hottest planet.
- It’s the fastest planet. It goes around the Sun very quickly.
- It looks like the moon. It is a little less than our moon.
- Venus is the hottest planet.
- It is second nearest to the Sun.
- Venus is very bright. It is made of rock. Thick clouds cover Venus.
- The third planet is Earth. Our planet is about 4,600 million years old.
- Life is possible on Earth because of atmosphere and water.
- Earth is the most beautiful planet in the Solar System.
- Earth has one moon.
- The moon is not a planet. It goes around our planet Earth. It’s made of rock. There isn’t any weather on the moon.
- When the moon is big and round it’s called a full moon.
- When it’s very small, it’s called a new moon.
- The first men on the moon were Americans Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin.
- They landed on the moon on July 20th 1969 and they walked around for two hours.
- The fourth planet is Mars. It’s smaller than Earth.
- Mars is called the Red planet. It is made of red rock.
- The fifth planet is Jupiter.
- Jupiter is very cold. It’s made of gas and liquid.
- It’s got sixteen large moons and many smaller ones. Jupiter is the biggest planet.
- The sixth planet is Saturn.
- Saturn is made of gas and liquid. Saturn is very cold. It has got ten moons.
- There are big colourful rings made of rock and ice around Saturn.
- The seventh planet is Uranus.
- Uranus is four times bigger than Earth. It’s made of gas and it’s very cold.
- There are nine rings around Uranus.
- The eighth planet is Neptune. It is a beautiful blue planet.
- Neptune has two moons. It’s made of gas and it’s very cold.
- There are often storms on Neptune.
- Pluto is the furthest from the Sun. It is the coldest planet.
- Pluto is the smallest planet. It is smaller than our moon.
- Scientists discovered Pluto in 1930.
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