Why are all jobs important?
Year 5 Level A1+
What will you be when you grow up? If you don’t know the answer, remember that all jobs are important and useful.
Word List All Jobs Are Important
dentist – стоматолог
A dentist repairs teeth. He /She treats people’s teeth.
police officer / policeman / policewoman – офіцер поліції
A police officer catches burglars.
nurse – медсестра
A nurse helps the doctor to treat people. A nurse takes care of patients.
postman / postwoman – листоноша
A postman brings letters, newspapers and magazines.
vet – ветеринар
A vet helps sick animals.
architect – архітектор
An architect designs buildings.
reporter – репортер
A reporter interviews people.
hairdresser – перукар
A hairdresser cuts hair. His mom is a hairdresser.
zookeeper – робітник зоопарку
A zookeeper takes care of animals in the zoo. His brother is a zookeeper.
babysitter – няня
A babysitter looks after a child or children while the parents are out. My sister sometimes works as a babysitter.
computer programmer – програміст
A computer programmer writes computer programs. I want to be a computer programmer.
cook – кухар
A cook cooks tasty food. Her aunt is a cook.
mechanic – механік
A mechanic repairs cars. His father is a mechanic.
taxi driver – водій таксі
A taxi driver drives a taxi. My cousin is a taxi driver.
writer – письменник
Joanne Rowling is a famous English writer who wrote the books about Harry Potter.
musician – музикант
A musician plays musical instruments.
dressmaker – кравчиня
A dressmaker makes dresses and suits.
driver – водій
A driver drives a car.
painter / artist – художник
A painter paints pictures. He is a famous artist.
teacher – вчитель
A teacher teaches children.
boxer – боксер
A boxer boxes in the ring.
pilot – пілот
A pilot flies in a plane.
doctor – лікар
A doctor treats patients.
There are lots of different doctors in a hospital. Nurses help them to make operations.
For example, there are dentists. They repair teeth. When you feel a pain in your tooth, you should visit a dentist.
If you want to become a doctor, you should love nature and study biology well at school.
Would you like to be a doctor?
- repair teeth – лікувати зуби
- feel a pain in your tooth – відчути біль у зубі
sailor – моряк
A sailor sails in the sea.
banker – банкір
A banker works in a bank.
seller / shop assistant – продавець
A shop assistant sells things.
flight attendant / steward / stewardess – бортпровідник
A flight attendant serves the passengers.
waiter / waitress – офіціант / офіціантка
A waiter / A waitress waits on the table.
dancer – танцівниця, танцівник
A dancer dances.
singer – співак
A singer sings songs.
shoe maker – виробник взуття, чоботар
A shoe maker mends shoes.
manager – менеджер
A manager controls and administers a company.
firefighter / fireman – пожежник
A firefighter extinguishes fires.
farmer – фермер
A farmer owns and works on a farm.
engineer – інженер
An engineer designs, builds roads, bridges, machines, etc.
accountant – бухгалтер
An accountant works with financial accounts.
web designer – веб-дизайнер
A web designer designs websites.
fashion designer – модельєр
A fashion designer designs new clothes.
lawyer – юрист
A lawyer practices laws.
Let’s Chat
- What does a teacher do? – A teacher teaches children.
- Who plays musical instruments? – A musician.
- What do you want to be? – When I grow up, I want to be a doctor. I’ll treat sick people.
- What job would you like to have in the future?
- All jobs are important, aren’t they?
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