Take Care of Your Health
Year 5 Level A1+
Health and Body Care Word List
health – здоров’я
We should take care of our health. Health and body care are important. Health is above wealth.
healthy – здоровий
We want to be healthy. Eat healthy food.
unhealthy – нездоровий
I try not to eat unhealthy food.
Health is above wealth. – Здоров’я краще багатства.
pale – блідий
She is so pale because she is not well.
to be ill / to be sick – бути хворим
My friend is ill today that’s why he is not at school. Is he sick?
high temperature – висока температура
Sometimes I have high temperature.
illness – хвороба
Flu is a common illness in cold time of the year.
disease – хвороба
He suffers from a heart disease.
dirt – бруд
You’ve got some dirt on your face.
germ – бактерія, мікроб
Wash your hands with soap to kill germs.
to visit the doctor regularly – відвідувати лікаря регулярно
We should visit the doctor regularly.
pain – біль (гострий)
She sometimes has pain in her stomach.
to feel sick (ill) – почувати хворим
My mother is tired and feels sick.
toothache – зубний біль
We go to the dentist when we have a toothache.
earache – біль в усі
He’s got an earache.
backache – біль у спині
My grandpa has a backache.
stomachache – біль у животі
The boy has a stomachache.
headache – головний біль
She often has headaches.
bad cold – застуда
The doctor told that I had a bad cold.
cough – кашель, кашляти
The dust made her cough.
sore throat – хворе горло
She often has a sore throat.
to hurt (hurt, hurt) – боліти, забити, поранити
Ouch! I’ve hurt my arm.
What’s the matter? – Що трапилось?
cuts and bruises – подряпини та синці
I fell off my bike and had some cuts and bruises.
bandage – бинт
She put a bandage on the cut.
ache – біль (тривалий); боліти
His body ached for a week.
the chemist’s – аптека
We buy medicines at the chemist’s.
medicine – ліки
The doctor prescribed me some medicines.
pill – таблетка
I take a pill when I have a headache.
to take the medicine – приймати ліки
You must take the medicine three times a day.
to listen to heart and lungs – слухати серце і легені
The doctor listened to my heart and lungs.
to stay in bed – залишатися в ліжку
The doctor told me to stay in bed for three days.
to write a prescription – виписати рецепт
The doctor wrote a prescription.
to follow the doctor’s advice – слідувати пораді лікаря
I followed the doctor’s advice and got well in some days.
injury – травма
They were lucky to escape injury.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. – Хто рано встає, тому бог дає.
to examine – оглядати
A doctor examines a patient.
prescription – рецепт
Take the prescription and buy this cough mixture at the chemist’s.
patient – пацієнт
A patient is a person who is receiving medical care.
A sound mind in a sound body. – В здоровому тілі здоровий дух.
Speak About the Doctor’s Visit
- I was ill two weeks ago.
- I had a headache and a sore throat.
- I had high temperature.
- I was sneezing and coughing badly.
- My mother called the doctor.
- The doctor examined me.
- She listened to my heart and lungs, looked at my throat.
- She said that there was nothing serious just a bad cold.
- She prescribed me some medicines.
- She recommended taking medicines three times a day, gargling my throat and staying in bed for some days.
- I followed the doctor’s advice and I felt much better in a week.
What should you do to have a healthy life?
Health and body care are important. To have a healthy life I should / shouldn’t
- do my morning exercises
- take a shower
- brush teeth in the morning and in the evening
- have a good diet
- eat enough vegetables and fruit
- wash hands before meals
- smoke
- go to the policlinics for medical checkup
- take care of my health
- eat much sugar, salt, fat
- play computer games for hours
- watch TV for the whole day
- go in for sport
- keep my clothes clean
- tidy up my room every day
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