Possessive Case Exercise

Revise how the Possessive Case is formed and have practice doing Possessive Case Exercises.

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian

  1. our teacher’s tablet
  2. the dogs’ hut
  3. the men’s sandwiches
  4. the woman’s budgies
  5. our baby’s toys
  6. the mice’s cage
  7. my friend’s car
  8. my friend’s cars
  9. my friends’ car
  10. my friends’ cars

Task 2. Choose the correct variant

  1. This is Julians’ / Julian’s book.
  2. He is Laura’s / Lauras’ brother.
  3. The children’s / childrens’ room is nice.
  4. Where is Nick’s / Nicks’ football?
  5. Our parents’ / parent’s van is big.
  6. My aunts’ / aunt’s family lives in Scotland.
  7. The Bakers’ / Baker’s house is green.
  8. My grandma’s / grandmas’ watch is always slow.
  9. These are my mum’s / mums’ keys.
  10. The secretaries’ / secretaries’s laptops are brand new.

Task 3. Use Possessive Case or of-phrase

  1. the camera / Tom
  2. the eyes / the cat
  3. the top / the page
  4. the daughter / Mr Smith
  5. the toys / the children
  6. the names / your friend
  7. the names / your friends
  8. the man / name
  9. the car / Mike
  10. the garden / our neighbours
  11. the birthday / my father
  12. the birthday / my cousins
  13. the car / my friends
  14. the dog / the boys
  15. the dress / Jane
  16. the ball / the girls
  17. the price / the coat
  18. the ring / Susan
  19. the rackets / the players
  20. the house / the Coopers
  21. the uncle / Bill
  22. the waiting room / the doctor

Task 4. Write apostrophe ‘s or the of-phrase

  1. (a glass) milk
  2. (my friend) bike
  3. (the window) room
  4. (Mr Smith) car
  5. (ten minutes) walk
  6. (the headteacher) office
  7. (the number) house
  8. (two days) work
  9. (the waiter) shoes
  10. (Britain) economy

Task 5. Is, Has or Possession (P)?

  1. Mike’s book is interesting. __
  2. John’s got Marylin’s pen. __  __
  3. My sister’s boyfriend’s car’s  red. __  __  __
  4. Frank’s apple’s got a worm in it. __  __
  5. She’s got my dad’s bottle and it’s green. __  __  __
  6. Did you see my brother’s toys? __
  7. The cook’s in the kitchen. __
  8. Your uncle’s boat’s blue. __  __
  9. What’s your dad’s name? __  __
  10. When will our aunt’s car be ready? __

I hope Possessive Case Exercises were useful to have good practice.