We Are in School to Learn
Read These School Pledges Level A2 / Level B1. They will help you to be more organized and succeed.
Pledge – promise, assurance
When someone makes a pledge, they make a serious promise that they will do something.https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
I am somebody.
The me I see is the me I’ll be.
I can be respectful, responsible and resourceful.
I can succeed.
* * *
I am in school to learn.
I will follow the directions of my teachers.
I will not say unkind things to others.
I will report problems to the teachers.
I will try my very best.
I am in school to learn.
* * *
We raise our hands to speak.
We work quietly at our seats.
We use voices soft and sweet.
We keep our places tidy and neat.
We are helpful, friendly, and fair.
We take turns and willingly share.
* * *
I make mistakes so I can learn.
I learn so I can succeed.
I succeed so I can help others.
* * *
I am wonderful.
I am good at learning.
And I like to learn.
* * *
At our school
I have the right to learn.
I want to learn.
My teachers want me to learn.
I will do my best!
We will learn together!
Important Rules
Here are some rules for you and me,
See how important they can be.
Always be honest, be kind and fair,
Always be good and willing to share.
These are rules we all should know,
We follow these rules wherever we go.
* * *
I pledge to treasure our school
As a place to learn and grow
By being honest and fair to all I know.
To show respect and be kind to all I meet,
To be responsible and work hard each day of the week,
To strive to be the best I can be,
So all can succeed in our school family.
Learner’s Creed
I believe in myself and my ability to do my best at all the times.
Because I am responsible for my life and for all of my actions:
I will listen,
I will see,
I will speak,
I will feel,
I will think,
I will reason,
I will read,
I will write.
I will do all these things with one purpose in mind:
To do my best and not to waste this day for this day will come no more.
Ernestine Mitchell
* * *
My Promise
Each day I’ll do my best,
And I won’t do any less.
My work will always please me,
And I won’t accept a mess.
I’ll colour very carefully,
My writing will be neat.
And I simply won’t be happy
‘Til my papers are complete.
I’ll always do my homework,
And I’ll try on every test.
And I won’t forget my promise –
To do my very best!
* * *
Today is a new day!
I will act in a safe and healthy way.
I will respect the rights of others.
I will treat all property with respect.
I will take responsibility for my learning.
Today I will be the best me I can be!
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