Let’s Talk About Newspapers

Here you can find a collection of useful newspapers vocabulary. These words can be used for talking or writing about newspapers.

Types of newspapers

  • tabloid (таблоїд, бульварна газета) – gossip newspaper
  • broadsheets – newspapers printed on large sheets which are usually considered more serious
  • daily / weekly / monthly newspapers – papers printed once a day / once a week / once a month
  • quarterly newspapers – newspapers printed once every three months
  • heavy newspaper – a newspaper with serious content
  • gutter press (бульварна преса) – newspapers which focus on sensational journalism, often about the lives of famous people
  • periodical (періодичне видання) – a newspaper or magazine published at regular intervals
  • local / regional newspaper – a newspaper which contains news from a particular area
  • national newspaper – a newspaper which contains news from the whole country

Newspaper Content

  • headline (заголовок) – heading or title appearing at the top of a page or article
  • columns – news that is printed in vertical columns rather than taking a whole page
  • obituaries (некрологи) – a section in the newspaper about people who have recently died
  • horoscope – a section in the newspaper about star signs and zodiac signs which foretell the future
  • weather report – a section in the newspaper for weather forecasts
  • business section – a section in the newspaper with business news
  • international / world news section – a section in the newspaper which focuses on news from abroad
  • letter to the editor (лист до редакції)  – a section in the newspaper for people to express their views to the editor of the newspaper
  • editorial (передовиця) – a news article containing the editor’s opinion
  • comic strip – a cartoon series in the newspaper
  • TV guide – a section in the newspaper with a guide for TV programs for the coming day or week

Useful Newspapers Vocabulary

  • circulation (тираж) – the number of copies a newspaper sold each day or each week (some newspapers have a wider circulation than others)
  • edition (видання) – a particular version of a text
  • layout (компонування) – the way articles are designed on a page (this can include the position of pictures, the number of columns and the size of headlines)
  • attention-grabbing (привертає увагу) – a news story which draws public attention
  • eye-catching – a picture or layout which catches a person’s eye
  • sensational news – which causes public excitement or interest
  • black and white – without colour
  • paparazzi – a freelance photographer who follows celebrities
  • front page – the first page of a news paper
  • subject matter (тема) – the topic dealt with in an article
  • proof reader (коректор)– a person who checks a text for errors
  • fact checker – a person who checks if the newspaper facts  and information in an article are correct
  • readership (читацька аудиторія) – the collective readers of a newspaper (some newspapers have a large readership)
  • issue (випуск, видання)– a copy of a newspaper; an important topic for a debate
  • online news – Інтернет-новини
  • a press conference – прес-конференція
  • a media outlet – ЗМІ
  • yellow journalism – journalism that is based upon sensationalism
  • invasion of privacy – порушення приватності
  • government censorship – урядова цензура
  • to cover a story (висвітлити історію) – to report on an event
  • in-depth coverage of (поглиблене висвітлення) – a detailed analysis of
  • eyewitness reports (повідомлення очевидців) – descriptions of what happened by people who actually saw an event take place
  • breaking news (останні новини) – news which is just coming in

Have practice using Newspapers Vocabulary

Fill in the sentences with the words:

editorials   tabloids   paparazzi   obituaries   fact checker   headlines  regional   layout

  1. I don’t understand why people buy __________  because they don’t contain real news, just gossip.
  2. Famous people deserve the right to privacy and the government should do more to control and limit __________ .
  3. There are so many mistakes in that article with information that they’ve got wrong. They really should employ a __________ .
  4. I’m not keen on the __________ of some newspapers. It seems to me as though they are trying to fill the pages with pictures and big words to get people’s attention but I just think it’s messy.
  5. Did you read about that amazing hero in World War II that recently died? There was a wonderful article about her life in the __________ today.
  6. The reason that many people only glance through the papers to read the  __________ is that they are so busy and don’t have time to read the details in the articles themselves.
  7. Although we live in a global world, where international news is important to follow, it is still vital that people read their __________ newspapers in order to learn about the community in which they live.
  8. I like reading __________ because it’s interesting to read the views of the editor on particular issues.

Answer the questions

  1. Do you often read the news?
  2. Which magazines and newspapers do you read?
  3. What kinds of articles are you most interested in? Why?
  4. Have you ever read a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language?
  5. Do you think newspapers and magazines might one day disappear?
  6. Why is it important to read the news?
  7. Should the government control what is in our newspapers?
  8. What kind of person can become a good journalist?
  9. Can you describe a newspaper or a magazine that you like to read? You should say: what the publication is; what kind of information it contains; how often you read it; explain why you read it.

I hope you find Newspapers Vocabulary useful to speak and write about newspapers and their content.

Based on: ieltsliz.com/newspaper-vocabulary/