Fly High 3
Fly High 3 Lesson 26 You Must Be Brave
must – повинен
I must clean my teeth every day. I mustn’t run in school. I must always do my best. Students must do their homework. We mustn’t cheat in a test. They mustn’t football in the classroom.
worried – схвильований, стурбований
She is worried. My mum is often worried. Don’t worry, be happy! Are you worried sometimes? I’m not worried.
far – далекий, далеко
You mustn’t swim far in the sea. He lives far from school. Kyiv is not very far from Kaniv. Do you live far from school. The supermarket isn’t far from my home.
stay – залишатися
I sometimes like to stay at home. Do you stay alone at home? He is ill, he must stay at home.
near – близький, недалеко
You must stay near the beach. The park is near my house. Where is the baker’s? It’s near the greengrocer’s. There is a sportsground near my house.
scared – наляканий
The girl is scared. Are you scared? Why are you scared? The children are scared. What’s the matter?
stuck – застряглий
The turtle is stuck in the net. The dog is stuck in the fence. The cat is stuck in the vase.
monster – монстр, чудовисько
Look, what a funny monster! I can draw a monster. I like watching cartoons about funny monsters.
Grammar Time: Modal Verb Must
- We use must / mustn’t to talk about rules: We must cross the street at the crossing. We mustn’t play football in the street.
- We use must to say that something is necessary: You must do your homework. You must come to school in time.
- must not = mustn’t
- We use must not / mustn’t to tell somebody not to do something: You mustn’t be late for school.
- Modal verb must always stays the same. We don’t add – s to must for he/she/it: He must do it. She must read books.
- We use an ifinitive without to after must: You must be attentive at the lessons.
Fly High 3 Unit 27 You’re Safe with Us, Carrie
everyone – кожен
Everyone wants to help her. Everyone has a hobby. Everyone enjoys summer holidays.
too + adjective – надто
She lives too far from school. This car is too expensive. The task is too difficult. It is too easy to do.
fisherman – рибалка
The fisherman has got a boat. The fishermen have got boats. His father is a fisherman.
careful – обережний; старанний; уважний
Be careful when you cross the street. Be careful when you do written exercises.
ask – запитувати, просити
She asks lots of questions. Let’s ask the fishermen to help us. She asked me to help her.
safe – безпечний, благополучний
You’re safe with us. Children feel safe with their parents.
save – рятувати
The fishermen saved the turtle. The dog saved the boy.
Fly High 3 Unit 28 We’ll Meet Again
will – допоміжне дієслово для утворення майбутнього часу
We will dance and sing. We’ll have a lovely holiday.
meet – зустрічатися, знайомитися
Nice to meet you. I like to meet my friends.
again – знову
We’ll meet again. Let’s do it again. Let’s read this text again.
dive – пірнати
We’ll swim and dive. I like diving. He can dive well. She can’t dive? Can you dive?
will not = won’t – не буду, не будемо, не будеш
We won’t be sad. We won’t go to school in summer. We won’t swim in cold weather. They won’t play basketball, they’ll play volleyball.
next – наступний
Next year I’ll be ten. I’ll meet you next Sunday. Next week we are going to the sea.
when I grow up – коли я виросту
When I grow up I’ll be a doctor. What do you want to be when you grow up?
future – майбутній
What do you want to be in the future?
Grammar Time: Future Simple
Future Simple Tense (майбутній простий час) = will + Verb
+ I will come again soon. – Я прийду знову незабаром.
– She won’t go to the theatre. – Вона не піде в театр.
? When will he be at home? – Коли він буде вдома?
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