Holiday in London

Fly High 3 A Week in London Sally’s Story will help you discover the capital of Great Britain, learn Past Simple of regular and irregular verbs and revise the days of the week and the ordinal numerals.

Vocabulary Fly High 3 A Week in London

Here you may revise the Past Simple Tensethe days of the week and ordinal numerals

last – минулий, останній
Last summer they went on holiday to London. On the last day they went shopping.

the first – перший
My brother is in the first form.

Buckingham Palace – Букінгемський Палац
Buckingham Palace is the home place of the Queen.

the second – другий
I am in the second form.

Hyde Park – Гайд Парк
They had a wonderful time in Hyde Park.

Serpentine Lake – Зміїне озеро
They didn’t swim in the Serpentine Lake.

the third – третій
On the third day they saw Big Ben.

the fourth – четвертий
My friend is in the fourth form.

Natural History Museum – Природознавчий музей
They liked the dinosaurs in the Natural History Museum.

the fifth – п’ятий 
I like the fifth song on this CD.

the London Eye – Лондонське Око
The London Eye is very big.

the River Thames / the Thames – Ріка Темза
London stands on the River Thames.

the sixth – шостий
I am the sixth on the list of the pupils in the register book.

Madame Tussaud’s Museum – Музей Мадам Тюссо
Lots of people visit Madame Tussaud’s Museum in London.

famous – відомий, знаменитий
They saw lots of famous people.

prince – принц
Prince William is Queen Elizabeth’s grandson.

Oxford Street – Оксфорд Стріт (вулиця)
They went shopping in Oxford Street.

Have Practice: Fly High 3 A Week in London

What places of interest in London would you like to visit?