Can you tell about your hobby?

Fishing is Fun

Hello, I’m Vlad. Today I’ll tell you about my hobby. I’ve got some hobbies but the most favourite one is fishing. I think that fishing or angling is a great outdoor activity.

I always go fishing with my dad. I have been fishing since I was six years old. Dad, who is a skilful angler, has taught me all the fish-catching tricks. He taught me how to set the hook and cast a rod. He explained how to react to a bite. 

It’s great that our town stands on the River Dnipro and there are lots of places for fishing in town or near it. We sometimes fish near Tarasova Hill. We often fish near the hydro-electric power station or on Kaniv Sea (Kaniv Reservoir). 

To go angling you must have a lot of fishing gear: rods, hooks, floats, lines, sinkers, lures, nets, etc. We usually use a fishing rod, a spinning or a feeder. We buy maggots in a fishing supplies shop and we dig worms near our house. 

There are lots of different kinds of fish in the Dnipro. We usually catch carp, crucian carp, roach, pike, perch and sometimes catfish. I  like taking photos of my catch.

Do you think that fishing is easy? No, absolutely not! Keep in mind that fishing is difficult because you need to acquire a lot of skills and you need to have much patience. What is more, you must know some fishing regulations.

I am sure that fishing is fun and it is the best hobby in the world!


go angling – ловить рыбу
a skilful angler – умелый рыболов
fish-catching tricks – рыболовецкие уловки
a hook – крючок
cast a rod – забросить удочку
react to a bite – реагировать на клев
fishing gear – рыболовные снасти
rods – удочки
floats – поплавки
lines – леска
sinkers – грузила
lures – приманки, наживка
maggots – личинки
worms – червяки
crucian carp – карась
roach – плотва
pike – щука
perch – окунь
catfish – сом
keep in mind – иметь в виду, помнить
acquire skills – приобрести навыки
patience – терпение