We Were in the Playground

Learn new vocabulary and grammar with Fly High 3 Lesson 19 We Were in the Playground

Check whether you know these words:

were – був, були
You were in the zoo.

playground – ігровий майданчик
We were in the playground.

cry – плакати, кричати
Why do you cry, Willie? Vicky is crying.

quick – швидкий
The squirrel is very quick.

nurse – медсестра
Where’s the nurse?

Here I am. – Ось і я.

What’s the matter? – Що трапилось?

was – був, була
I was in the park.

rollerblades – роликові ковзани
Have you got rollerblades? He was on his rollerblades.

accident – нещасний випадок, аварія
There was an accident on the playground.

middle – середина
There is a table in the middle of the room.

finger – палець (на руці)
She’s got beautiful long fingers. Look at my fingers.

lucky – щасливий, удачливий
You were lucky.

All right. – Гаразд, добре
We are all right.

Grammar Time Fly High 3 Lesson 19 We Were in the Playground


Дієслово to be (бути) у Present Simple Tense


  1. I am (я є)                                     
  2. You are (ти є)
  3. He is (він є)  She is (вона є) It is  (він, вона є (про предмети і тварин)


  1. We are (ми є)
  2. You are (ви є)
  3. They are (вони є)

Дієслово to be (бути) у Past Simple Tense


  1. I was (я був)                               
  2. You were (ти був)
  3. He was (він був)   She was (вона була) It was  (він, вона був, була (про предмети і тварин)


  1. We were (ми були)
  2. You were (ви були)
  3. They were (вони були)

Watch this presentation to have practice Fly High 3 Lesson 19 We Were in the Playground

I hope Fly High 3 Lesson 19 We Were in the Playground wasn’t difficult and you enriched your vocabulary and can use the verb to be in the Past Simple Tense.