Tell about your working day, will you?
Develop your speaking skills
My Working Day
In our life we have weekends and holidays; it’s certainly more pleasant to speak about a holiday than about workday routine, but this everyday routine makes up an essential part of our life. I’ll try to describe my working day. It’s typical daily routine, although every day has its variations.
On weekdays the alarm clock wakes me up at 7 o’clock and my working day begins. Actually I’m not fond of getting up early because I’m not an early riser, but I’m already used to it. I do my bed and go to the bathroom. There I brush my teeth and if I’m not short of time I take a shower. Cool water braces me and in a moment I don’t feel sleepy anymore. I return to my room and switch on fast rhythmical music that lets me in the high spirit, so the forthcoming day seems to bring many pleasant surprises.
At 7.45 I’m ready to have breakfast. Breakfast, as doctors say, must be the most substantial meal of the day. But I have a quick light breakfast of a cup of tea or coffee and a couple of sandwiches, take my bag and leave for school.
My school is not far from my house and it usually takes me 10 minutes to get there. My classes begin at 8.30 a. m. Seven lessons a day is our ordinary timetable. The lessons are usually over at 2.30 p. m. Each lesson lasts for 45 minutes. After each lesson we have a break or interval. After the third and fourth lessons we have a longer break to have meals. I usually have a bite at our school canteen.
If I don’t have any activities after classes, I go home. When I’m back home, my parents are still at work. So I take dinner from the fridge and warm it up. After a tense school day and a square meal I’m in the mood for having a rest. So, after dinner I never do any serious work. I listen to music, read a book, flick through magazines, watch YouTube and chat with my friends on social networks. Sometimes I take a nap.
Then it’s high time for me to get down to my home assignments. It takes me about 3 or 4 hours to do my homework properly. Besides I have additional private lessons in English and Ukrainian. So, I spend much time for studying.
However I believe that “Much work, no play never make people gay”. That’s why I sometimes put off my textbooks and go out with my friends or just watch videos. Twice a week I attend a basketball club. It helps me to keep fit and feel cheerful and active. If I have an hour at my disposal before going to sleep I try to do some household chores: I tidy up the room or wash up the dishes.
When the supper is ready my parents and I gather in the kitchen and while having a meal we share the day news and plan our next day.
In the evening I take a shower and go to bed to get up early next morning to begin everything anew.
Check whether you know these words
weekdays – будні
workday routine – будні, щоденна рутина
substantial – щільний
brace – бадьорити
let somebody in high spirit – призвести когось у гарний настрій
to have a bite – перехопити
to take a nap – здрімнути
tense – напружений
square meal – щільна їжа
be in mood for – бути в настрої для чогось
additional – додатковий
at my disposal – у моєму розпорядженні
Much work, no play never make people gay. – Турботи до добра не доводять.
Answer the Questions
- Do you get up early?
- Is it easy for you to get up early?
- Do you wake up yourself or does an alarm-clock wakes you up?
- Do you do morning exercises? Do you do your morning exercises to music?
- Which do you prefer: a hot or a cold shower in the morning?
- How long does it take you to get dressed?
- What do you usually have for breakfast?
- Some people look through newspapers or listen to the latest news on the radio while having breakfast. What about you?
- When do you usually leave the house?
- How much does it take you to get to school?
- What time do you come home?
- How do you spend your evenings?
- What are your household chores?
- What time do you usually go to bed?
Speak My Working Day
Memorize the proverbs and use them
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. – Треба не тільки працювати, а й розважатися.
Business before pleasure. – Спочатку справа, потім розвага.
The hardest work is to do nothing. – Найважча робота – нічого не робити.
Idleness is the mother of all evil. – Без діла псується сила.
He’ll eat till he sweats and work till he freezes. – Їсть – потіє, працює – мерзне.
He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree. – Хто хоче з’їсти плід, має вилізти на дерево.
What is worth doing at all worth doing well. – Якщо вже щось і робити, так робити добре.
If you want a thing well done, do it yourself. – Якщо хочеш зробити справу добре, зроби її сам.
Jack of all trades is master of none. – За все братися – нічого не зробити.
A bad workman quarrels with his tools. – У поганого майстра завжди інструмент винен.
Ninety per cent of inspiration is perspiration. – Дев’яносто відсотків натхнення – потіння.
Through hardship to the stars. – Через терен до зірок.
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