The Internet
Read about the Internet growing popularity
As the Internet grows in popularity and its technological capacity, and the content is developing, we’re watching something historic happening: something as significant as the development of the scientific method, like the invention of printing and the arrival of the Industrial Age. It is now clear that the Internet offers exciting new advances in the areas of commerce and education.
Citizens of the information society will enjoy new opportunities for productivity, learning and entertainment, and countries will enjoy economic rewards. Whole new markets will appear and lots of new opportunities for employment will be created.
Although the television revolution that began sixty years ago generated some profits for technology companies manufacturing the TV sets, the biggest winners were the companies that used the medium to deliver the content: entertainment, news, sports, and advertising. We’ll see the similar dynamic for the Internet. This time round, though, anybody can be an information publisher due to online access, and anybody can get a Web site or ‘channel’ for his or her content.
Check whether you know these words:
- technological capacity – технологічний потенціал
- content – зміст
- significant – вагомий
- the invention of printing – винахід поліграфії
- the Industrial Age – Індустріальний вік
- offer – пропонувати
- advance – успіх, просування уперед
- commerce – торгівля
- opportunities – можливості
- productivity – продуктивність
- economic rewards – економічні винагороди
- employment – зайнятість
- although – хоча
- generate some profits – приносити прибуток
- medium – засіб
- to deliver the content – доставляти контент
- advertising – реклама
- the similar dynamic – аналогічна динаміка
- this time round – цього разу
- though – хоч
- a publisher – видавець
- due to online access – завдяки онлайн доступу
Would you want to have a blog of your own?
Anyone can launch a blog. A blog is an online journal or informational website displaying information in the reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first. It is a platform where a writer or even a group of writers share their views on an individual subject.
Blogging is the set of many skills that one needs to run and control a blog. Blogging grows with each passing day!
A blogger is someone who runs and controls a blog. He or she shares his or her opinion on different topics for a target audience.
Most people today are creating a blog for various reasons. Every human being has its story to tell. Hence, through the internet, bloggers can communicate to a larger group of people.
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