Read about schools in England
Schools in England Level A1 (elementary)
- English children start their school at the age of five.
- Primary schools teach children from 5 to 11 years old.
- From 5 to 7 they attend infant schools.
- An infant school is like a kindergarten.
- There the children draw and paint, sing and listen to the stories and play games.
- In the infant school the children begin to learn how to read and to write.
- From 7 to 11 the children in Britain go to a junior school.
- They study Maths, English, Reading, IT, Science, PE, Music, Art and Handicrafts.
- In England schools have got names, not numbers.
- The school year begins in September.
- Classes usually start at 9 o’clock.
- Children have lunch in the school canteen.
- Boys and girls wear a school uniform the color of their school.
- They have got a badge on the pocket of their jacket and on the cap.
- Children often play outdoors during breaks.
Vocabulary List
at the age – у віці
primary school – початкова школа
attend school – відвідувати школу
infant school – школа для малюків
kindergarten – дитячий садок
draw – малювати
paint – малювати фарбами
listen to the stories – слухати оповідання
begin to learn – починати вчити
junior school – початкова школа
classes start – уроки починаються
have lunch – обідати
school canteen – шкільна їдальня
wear a school uniform – носити шкільну форму
play outdoors – грати на вулиці (на свіжому повітрі)
during breaks – під час перерв
subject – навчальний предмет
Answer the questions
- When do English children start school?
- Do English schools have numbers or names?
- What is an infant school?
- What do children do in an infant school?
- What subjects do children study in a junior school?
- When does the school year begin?
- Where do children have lunch?
- Do boys and girls wear a school uniform?
- Have they got a school badge?
- What do they usually do during breaks?
Complete the sentences
- In Great Britain the children begin to go to school at the age of _________.
- From 5 to 7 they go to ___________________________.
- There the children ____________________________________________________________.
- In the _________________________ they begin to learn ______________________________.
- From 7 to 11 the children in Great Britain go to ______________________________.
- In England schools have got ______________________________________.
- Classes usually start __________________________.
- They usually have got lunch in __________________________________.
- English pupils often play outdoors ________________________________.
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