Enrich your vocabulary, learn the names of cosmetics and toiletries for personal care. The presentation will help to have good practice.
Every day we use cosmetics and toiletries for personal care. We all want to look our best and this wish is age-old. The reason for the popularity of cosmetics and toiletries is the important physiological, psychological and social benefit they impart to the user. They help us stay healthy and beautiful.
- Skin condition can be improved by application of preventative and treatment cosmetics. This includes moisturisation, tone, wrinkle and blemish reduction associated with skin ageing.
- Symptoms of acne can be reduced.
- Skin can be protected from sun damage by appropriate use of sunscreen products.
- Antiperspirants and deodorants are effective in reducing perspiration and body odours.
- Skin fragrance can be used to elicit strong positive emotion.
- Hair can be cleaned with shampoo conditioned and treated to enhance its appearance.
- Shaded Products – colour cosmetics such as foundation, lipstick, eye, nail and lip products are used to enhance the appearance.
- Dental products, such as toothpaste and oral washes work to clean and reduce odour.
- Soaps cleanse the skin and help to reduce bacteria.
Cosmetics and toiletries for personal care are and will remain, an integral part of our life.
Vocabulary List
antiseptic cream – антисептический крем
fragrance – аромат
razor – бритва
cotton buds – ватные палочки
toothbrush – зубная щетка
eyebrow pencil – карандаш для бровей
hair conditioner – кондиционер для волос
lip liner – контурный карандаш для губ
face cream – крем для лица
highlighter – маскирующее средство
concealer – маскирующий карандаш
расческа – comb
base / foundation – тональный крем
toner – тоник
moisturizer – увлажняющее средство
blush brush – щеточка для румян
eyelash curler – щипцы для загибания ресниц
Beauty Salon – cалон красоты
wet-look gel – гель для эффекта мокрых волос
hairspray – лак для волос
face massage – массаж лица
hair mousse – мусс для волос
wig – парик
nutritious mask – питательная маска
parting – пробор
permanent – химическая завивка
face cleaning – чистка лица
powder – пудра
blush / rouge – румянаeyeliner – карандаш / подводка для глаз
eye shadow – тени для век
mascara – тушь
lip gloss – блеск для губ
nail polish – лак для ногтей
shaving cream / shaving foam – крем для бритья / пена для бритья
aftershave – лосьон после бритья
cream – крем
mask – маска
cleanser – очищающее средство
dental floss – флосс (зубная нить)
shower gel – гель для душа
body lotion – лосьон для тела
deodorant – дезодорант
to wash up – умываться
to shampoo – мыть голову
to take a shower – принимать душ
to brush one’s teeth – чистить зубы
to shave – бриться
to brush one’s hair – расчесывать волосы
haircut – стрижка
Do you like this haircut? Could you cut it short / not too short, please? Just trim it here, please. Jane has her hair colored.
hairdo – прическа / укладка
Your mother always has a wonderful hairdo! Part my hair on the left side, please.
manicure – маникюр
pedicure – педикюр
She would like to have a manicure and a pedicure.
make-up – макияж
They make (do) a professional make-up in this beauty salon.
How to choose cosmetics and toiletries for personal care
It is very difficult for the consumer to make good choices about what cosmetics and toiletries to buy. Some general guidelines are to use products that:
- reject animal testing and are made from ingredients which safety is well established
- are made from quality raw materials ideally from plant oils and extracts including natural plant colourings – avoid mineral oils or petrochemical based ingredients
- don’t have ingredients that commonly cause allergies or other problems for sensitive skins
- contain nothing that is harmful to the environment
- do not exploit or adversely affect the environment or its people
- has minimal and/or recyclable packaging
Before using any cosmetic or toiletry product, read the label to check if there is anything special you should do to keep yourself and others safe. For example, some products will warn you not to get the product in your eyes.
Cosmetics and toiletries seem like safe products because we use them every day – but they could make a child very sick if they were to eat them. Protect kids in your home by:
- storing toiletries and cosmetics in a locked or secured cupboard.
- keeping them up high – aim for at least the shoulder height of an adult.
- Buy cosmetics from retailers you know and trust.
- If you are in any doubt about the safety of a product, don’t buy or use it.
- If you have an allergic or other reaction to a cosmetic product, stop using it immediately. If the reaction is severe, get medical help from a doctor.
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