What’s your attitude to household chores?
- Doing household chores is a necessary part of our life.
- Everybody is happy when their home is bright and clean.
- We split the chores and each member of our family has a householding duty.
- My mother is the busiest person because she has a lot of things to do.
- She _________________________________________________________________________
- I try to be a helping hand for her.
- I have a lot of duties.
- I think that doing my household chores is fun.
- I always ______________________________________________________________________
- I _______________________________________________________________________ well.
- I often _______________________________________________________________________
- I ____________________________________________________________________ every day.
- I usually ______________________________________________________________________
- I seldom _____________________________________________________________________
- I sometimes___________________________________________________________________
- I never ______________________________________________________________________
- My father ____________________________________________________________________
- I am sure that doing household chores makes a man feel fine.
Vocabulary List
- necessary – необхідний
- part – частина
- everybody – кожний, усі
- each – кожний
- member – член (родини, партії, гуртка, організації, та ін.)
- householding duties – домашні обов’язки
- busy – зайнятий
- try – намагатися
- seldom – рідко
- often – часто
- feel – почувати
- be sure – бути впевненим
- household chores – домашні клопоти по господарству
- householding – домашнє господарство
- tidy up the room – прибирати кімнату
- do the cooking – куховарити
- do the ironing – прасувати
- do the washing up – мити посуд
- water plants – поливати квіти
- fix things – лагодити, ремонтувати речи
- walk the pet – гуляти з хатньою твариною
- sweep the floor – підмітати підлогу
- air the room – провітрювати кімнату
- go shopping – ходити по магазинах
- do shopping – робити покупки
- feed the pet – годувати хатню тварину
- take out the rubbish – виносити сміття
- vacuum the carpet – пилососити килим
- dust the furniture – витирати пил з меблів
In your home who …
- does the shopping?
- cooks meals?
- does the washing up?
- cleans the kitchen?
- does the ironing?
- takes out the rubbish?
- tidies up the room?
- vacuums the carpets?
- sweeps the floor?
- dusts the furniture?
- feeds the pets?
- fixes things?
- is the busiest person?
What electrical appliances help doing household chores?
An iron, a washing machine, a vacuum cleaner, a dishwasher, a cooker, a microwave oven help doing household chores faster and make our life easier and more convenient.
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