Do you know what makes a good student?
Teaching is a difficult job. The teacher’s reward is knowing that you have the opportunity to have an impact on a student’s life. However, not every student is created equal. Most teachers will tell you that they don’t have favorites, but the truth is that there are students who possess certain characteristics that make them ideal pupils. It is difficult not to embrace them because they make teacher’s job easier.
What makes a good student?
Good students:
- Ask questions
Most teachers want students to ask questions when they do not understand a concept that is being taught. It is truly the only way a teacher knows whether you really understand something. If no questions are asked, then the teacher has to assume that you understood that concept. Good students aren’t afraid to ask questions because they know that if they do not get a particular concept, it could hurt them later on when that skill is expanded. Asking questions is often beneficial to the class as a whole because chances are if you have that question, there are other students who have that same question.
- They’re hard workers
The perfect student isn’t necessarily the smartest student. There are plenty of students who are blessed with natural intelligence but lack the self-discipline to hone that intelligence. Teachers love students who choose to work hard no matter what their level of intelligence is. The hardest working students will be the most successful in life. Being a hard worker in school means completing assignments on time, putting your maximum effort into every assignment, asking for extra help when you need it, spending the time to study for tests and quizzes, and recognizing weaknesses and looking for ways to improve.
- They’re involved
Being involved in extra-curricular activities can help a student gain confidence, which can improve academic success. These activities provide so many learning opportunities that a traditional classroom simply can’t. These activities also provide opportunities to take on leadership roles and they often teach people to work together as a team to accomplish a common goal.
- They’re leaders
Teachers love good students who are natural leaders within their classroom. Whole classes have their own unique personalities and often those classes with good leaders are good classes. Likewise, those classes that lack peer leadership can be the most difficult to handle. If you are a leader amongst your peers, you have the responsibility to lead by example and the ultimate power to motivate others to be successful.
Motivation comes from many places. The best students are the ones who are motivated to be successful. Students who are motivated to learn are easy to teach. They want to be at school, want to learn, and want to succeed. Likewise, students who lack motivation are the ones who are the hardest to reach, are often in trouble, and eventually drop out of school. Students may find it hard to find motivation. Good teachers will figure out how to motivate most students in some way, but those students who are self-motivated are far easier to reach than those who aren’t. It is not the responsibility of the school and the teacher to provide motivation to the student. The student must find motivation that is unique to him / her and once that is found, he / she is on the way to gaining knowledge and being a great student.
- They’re problem solvers
Problem-solving is a serious skill that schools have to work extensively at developing. Students who possess true problem-solving skills are few. Those students who do possess true problem-solving abilities are rare gems that teachers love. They can be used as a resource to help develop other students into becoming problem solvers.
- They seize opportunities
One of the greatest opportunities in Ukraine is that every child has a free education. Unfortunately, not every person takes full advantage of that opportunity. It is true that every student must attend school for some period of time, but that doesn’t mean that every student seizes that opportunity. The best students take advantage of the opportunities they are afforded and value the education they receive.
- They’re well behaved
Teachers will tell you that classes full of students who follow the rules have a better chance at maximizing their learning potential. Students who are well behaved are likely to learn. There are plenty of smart students who are discipline problems. These students are often the source of frustration for teachers because they will likely never maximize their intelligence unless they choose to change their behavior. Students who are well behaved in class are easy for teachers to deal with, even if they struggle academically. Nobody wants to work with a student who constantly causes problems, but teachers will try to move mountains for students who are polite, respectful, and follow the rules.
- They have a support system
Parents have their children best interest in mind. They push them to success, offer advice, and guide and direct their decisions. In school, they attend parent/teacher conferences, make sure children’s homework is done, require children to have good grades, and generally motivate them to set and reach academic goals. They cheer for children in times that they are successful. Having a great support system doesn’t make or break a child as a student, but it definitely gives an advantage.
- They’re trustworthy
Teachers love students and classes that they trust because they can give them liberties that often provide learning opportunities they would not be afforded otherwise. When a teacher gives students an opportunity, he/she is putting faith into them. Good students value opportunities to prove that they are trustworthy.
What makes a good student and what students don’t teachers like?
- are active and participate in the classes
- are hard-working
- are conscientious about their written work
- show interest and enthusiasm
- are motivated
- are imaginative and talented
Teachers do not like students who:
- play truant
- cheat homework / in exams
- are passive
- have no respect to teachers, classmates and school property
- bully
- write graffiti on desks and lockers
- destroy textbooks and school equipment
- miss lessons and turn up late
Many parents believe that if their child doesn’t understand the subject, they blame the teacher but not their kid. This isn’t right. If the child doesn’t spend enough time studying and he or she isn’t interested in learning, even the best teacher won’t teach him. To get success at studying it needs both a good teacher and a good student.