How well do you know Valentine’s Day customs and traditions?

Do this Valentine’s Day Quiz

  1. When is Valentine’s Day celebrated?
  2. What is the origin of this holiday?
  3. Is Valentine’s Day a legal holiday?
  4. What flower is the symbol of love?
  5. What do radio stations play on Valentine’s Day?
  6.   What kind of day is Valentine’s Day?
  7. What is the name of a greeting card sent on Valentine’s Day?
  8. What colours are most often used in valentines?
  9. What are Valentine symbols?
  10. What is the name of an ancient Roman festival held on February 15th?
  11. What is the most famous Valentine symbol?
  12. What do almost all of the valentines ask?
  13. What custom do we keep more than 2,000 years?
  14. When did written valentines begin?
  15. Whose valentines can be seen today in the British Museum?
  16. When did factories begin to make valentines?
  17. What British artist was one of the leading makers of valentines?
  18. What are her valentines known for?
  19. What is the name of the Roman god of love?
  20. What colour is the mixture of red and white?
  21. What have inspired the use of lace on valentines?
  22. What did it mean to get a red mitten?
  23. What does lace on a valentine mean?
  24. What does Cupid have in his hands?
  25. What is red colour the symbol of?
  26. What does a ribbon on a valentine mean?
  27. What is the name of the Greek god of love?
  28. What is white colour the symbol of?

If you don’t know the answers to some questions you may find them here:

Valentine’s Day in English-Speaking Countries

Valentine’s Day Interesting Traditions

Legends About Saint Valentine

Valentine’s Day Symbols

Do these tasks.

Task 1. Read the card carefully and find any mistakes there.

Deer, Mary!

I hope the Falentine’s Dai shall bring you lots ov fun! I thinks you are very nise. And so does everione!

Best wesh,


Task 2. Make up as many words as possible using the letters in the words: “Saint Valentine’s Day”.