Look Before You Leap
“Look before you leap” is a popular saying. Is it important to think before you act in every situation?
Say no less than 20 sentences.
- I know the meaning of a popular English saying “Look before you leap”.
- It means that we should think of the consequences before we act
- Every sensible man thinks of all pros and cons before making a final decision.
- Frankly speaking, I have learnt this English saying lately.
- This expression is the moral of the Aesop’s fable about the fox and the goat.
- The fox fell into the well and since he was unable to climb out, he persuaded the goat to jump in.
- If the goat had been wise, he would never have got in without seeing how to get out.
- We may find the examples illustrating this saying in different spheres of life.
- I know one more proverb with the same meaning “ Haste makes waste”.
- I’m sure that it is important to think before we act in every situation.
- I’d like to give an example from my life.
- I’m in Year 9 and this year at school differs from the previous ones because we have to decide what to be in the future.
- As for my future career, I’ve already made up my mind to become a teacher because I love communicating with children.
- I’m fond of learning English so it’s no wonder that my dream is to become a teacher of English.
- I have to decide which way to continue my education.
- At the end of Year 9 I may either continue my studies in upper secondary school (grades 10 – 11) or leave school and go to a college.
- At a teachers’ training college I may get the profession of a primary school teacher.
- If I go to the tenth grade, I will be able to receive complete secondary education and try to enter the university.
- I am in two minds what to do but I clearly understand that my future depends on my choice.
- I must imagine the likely effect before making the final decision.
- My parents and I make all necessary inquiries about colleges and universities.
- We calculate the possible consequences before taking such a responsible action.
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