Read the text about the squirrels and do the tasks.
The Squirrel
When you walk in a forest, look at the trees. You can see a squirrel in the tree. The squirrel makes home in the tree.
It is very interesting to look at squirrels. They jump from tree to tree.
Squirrels are very good animals. There are red squirrels and grey squirrels. They are small animals.
They do not sleep in winter. When it is cold in winter, they sleep. When it is a warm winter day and the sun is bright, they go out to jump and play.
Squirrels like to eat nuts.
to walk – гуляти
forest – ліс
to make home – будувати хатинку
it is interesting – цікаво
to eat – їсти
Make up sentences joining the two parts. (склади речення, вибравши їх закінчення з другої колонки.)
1.There are red squirrels ___
2. Squirrels like ___
3. In a warm winter day ___
4. The squirrel makes ___
5. It is very interesting ___
6. They do not sleep ___
a. to look at squirrels.
b. home in the tree.
c. in winter.
d. and grey squirrels.
e. they go out to jump and play.
f. to eat nuts.
Answer the questions. (Дай відповіді на запитання.)
1.Is the squirrel a domestic animal?
2. What colour is it?
3. How do they sleep in winter?
4. Why is it interesting to look at squirrels?
5. What do they like to eat?
Read the sentences and put “T” next to the true sentences and “F“ next to the false ones. Correct the false sentences and write them down. (Прочитай речення і постав “T” біля правильних речень і “F“ біля неправильних. Виправ неправильні речення і запиши їх.)
1.The squirrel is a big animal.
2. Squirrels make homes in the trees.
3. It is interesting to look at squirrels.
4. They cannot jump.
5. Squirrels are good animals.
6. There are orange and brown squirrels.
7. They sleep in winter.
8. Squirrels do not like nuts.
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