Teacher’s Day in Ukraine is celebrated on the first Sunday in October each year. Teacher’s Day is an observance and not a national public holiday in Ukraine.

This observance is held in appreciation of teachers and other workers in the education sector across the country. Many teachers receive flowers as a symbol of appreciation for their achievements.

Many other countries celebrate World Teacher’s Day, which is also held in early October. More than 100 nations celebrate the World Teachers’ Day globally.

Teachers’ Day aims to raise awareness of the importance of the role played by teachers all over the world. The responsibility for educating future generations is not a light one by any means, so show your support for these dedicated and important people not just on Teachers’ Day, but throughout the whole year.


                  by Kevin William Huff


Paint their minds

And guide their thoughts

Share their achievements

And advise their faults.

Inspire a LOVE

Of knowledge and truth

As you light the path

Which leads our youth.

For our future brightens

With each lesson you teach

Each smile you lengthen

Each goal you help reach.

For the dawn of each poet

Each philosopher and king

Begins with a TEACHER

And the wisdom they bring.


                                                  by Jill Wolf

When God created teachers,

He gave us special friends

To help us understand His world

And truly comprehend

The beauty and the wonder

Of everything we see,

And become a better person

With each discovery.


When God created teachers,

He gave us special guides

To show us ways in which to grow

So we can all decide

How to live and how to do

What’s right instead of wrong,

To lead us so that we can lead

And learn how to be strong.


Why God created teachers,

In His wisdom and His grace,

Was to help us learn to make our world

A better, wiser place.

Think and Speak

  1. Do you want to be a teacher? Why? Why not?
  2. What does a teacher mean to you?
  3. Tell about your favourite teacher.
  4. Do you agree or disagree: Teachers’ Day is a day for teachers to collect flowers and presents.
  5. Tell a compliment to your teacher.
  6. What’s your idea of a perfect learner?
  7. What makes a good school?
  8. What kind of person should a good teacher be?
  9. What should you know if you were a teacher of English?
  10. Why is Teachers’ Day celebrated in autumn?
  11. Form your point of view, what’s the best day for a teacher?
  12. Describe a school of future.
  13. Which lesson would you add to the timetable? Why?
  14. Which lessons would you exclude from the timetable?
  15. What lessons are the most important for young people?
  16. What is an ideal school principal?
  17. Continue “If I were a teacher I would…”
  18. When you finish school, what will you remember about your school forever?
  19. Tell about the happiest day in your school life.
  20. Form your point of view, is homework necessary?
  21. What qualities are most important to you in a teacher?