Learn how to form reported requests, commands and orders.

“Nelly, will you shut the window please?” the teacher said. The teacher asked Nelly to shut the window.
“Helen, collect the exercise books, please,” the teacher said. The teacher told Helen to collect the exercise books.
“Move over, will you?” Helen said to Nelly. Helen asked Nelly to move over.
“Boys,” shouted the instructor, “Forward, march!” The instructor ordered the boys to march forward.
“Don’t speak all at a time,” the teacher said to her class. The teacher told the class not to speak all at a time.
“Fasten the seat belts!” (to passengers) Passengers are requested to fasten the seat belts.
“Do not feed the animals.” (to visitors in a Zoo) Visitors are requested not to feed the animals.
“Do not touch the exhibits.” (to visitors in a museum) Visitors are required not to touch the exhibits.


Exercise 1. Imagine the situation and the people taking part in the conversation. When reporting the requests do not forget to mention the person addressed. Use: tell, ask, advise, invite.

Example: Stay in bed for a couple of days. – The doctor told the patient to stay in bed for a couple of days.

  1. Take two pills at a time twice a day.
  2. Don’t eat too much sugar and bread.
  3. Sit straight.
  4. Keep silence, please.
  5. Don’t rub off the words from the blackboard.
  6. Show the capital of Nicaragua on the map, please.
  7. Ring me up tonight, will you?
  8. Come and have tea with us, will you?
  9. Come and watch TV show with us.
  10. Please, don’t forget to clear up the mess.
  11. Don’t forget to lock the door.
  12. Don’t drop the ashes on the carpet.
  13. Hurry up, will you?
  14. Don’t forget to take the spade and the rake.
  15. Write your name at the top of this form.
  16. Don’t waste my time, son.
  17. Don’t be late for the swimming competition.
  18. Count off, boys.
  19. Run, boys.

Exercise 2. Change the following requests into reported speech. Use the reporting verbs ask, require, advise, warn in the Passive Voice.

  1. Do not miss lectures. (to students)
  2. Keep off the grass. (to visitors)
  3. Cross the road at the zebra crossing. (to pedestrians)
  4. Do not stay up too late before the examination. (to students)
  5. Do not speak in the reading hall. (to readers)
  6. Don’t come into the gym in walking shoes. (to pupils)
  7. Wear plimsolls in the gym. (to the pupils)
  8. Return books to the library in time. (to the pupils)
  9. Don’t be late for the rehearsal. (to drama participants)
  10. Keep off the sports ground. (to strangers)
  11. Look in both directions before crossing the road. (to pedestrians)
  12. Address the letters to the TV studio. (to TV viewers)
  13. Don’t cross the road against the red light. (to pedestrians)
  14. Do not tease the animals. (to zoo visitors)
  15. Please, cross the railway on foot bridge. (to pedestrians)

Exercise 3. Report the following requests and commands. Use tell, ask, order, command.

  1. Do what you told to, don’t argue. (to you)
  2. Dig yourselves in. (to soldiers)
  3. Call the next boy. (to you)
  4. Go into the passage and don’t come in till you are called. (to you)
  5. Lie down. (to dog)
  6. Stay in the woods. (to soldiers)
  7. Count off. (to soldiers)
  8. Fire salute. (to soldiers)
  9. Speak in whisper. Don’t disturb the sick. (to a visitor)
  10. Do the work in writing. (to students)
  11. Boys, halt!

commandsExercise 4. Report the following requests and commands. Use invite, advise, recommend, warn.

  1. “Consult the time-table,” said the office worker.
  2. The lab assistant said: “Take off your coats and hats, put on these overalls and begin your work, boys, hurry up.”
  3. “Please, ask questions,” the speaker said to the audience.
  4. “Don’t stay in the way of the traffic,” said the policeman.
  5. “Take off your coats and come in,” said the hostess to us.
  6. “Send your son to a camp,” said the teacher.
  7. “Visit your mother this summer, Mary,” said Ann.
  8. “Come and stay a couple of days with us, Ann,” Mary said.
  9. “Go away, girls, go away, please, don’t stand in the way of the procession,” said the policeman.
  10. “Don’t sound the horns while you are driving near the hospital,” said the policeman.
  11. “”You better leave now,” said the doctor.
  12. “Put on your sweaters, boys, before and especially after the game,” said the instructor.