Shrovetide is a traditional holiday for Slavic countries.
Roots of Shrovetide in Ukraine have been coming from an ancient pagan holiday of seeing-off winter.
This holiday coincided with the last week before the Great Lent. Shrovetide united Christian and pagan traditions.
Traditionally in Ukraine, Shrovetide is celebrated for the whole week.
Many people associate this holiday with pancakes. The main ceremonial Ukrainian dish of Shrovetide was dumplings with cottage cheese with butter or sour cream.
Pancake week can be called a women’s holiday, so all the celebrations were mostly arranged by women. They had the opportunity to relax from work.
Each of the 7 days before the fast had its own traditions and rituals. But the most interesting activities were on the last day of Shrovetide – the Cheesy Sunday. It was also called Forgiveness Sunday when people asked forgiveness of each other for caused troubles to start in Quadragesima with peace in a soul.
Every day is not Sunday. – Не все коту масленица (Будет и Великий пост.)
It means that we can not relax every day of the week.
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