Learn Heart Idioms and use them in the sentences of your own.
break somebody’s heart – разбить чье-либо сердце
to make someone very unhappy by ending a relationship with them or doing something that upsets them a lot
He broke my heart when he left me. It’ll break your father’s heart if you tell him you’re giving up college.
at heart – в душе, в глубине души
if you are a particular kind of person at heart, that is the kind of person that you really are even though you may appear or behave differently
He may be a working class boy at heart, but his lifestyle has been transformed. Let’s face it, we’re all romantics at heart.
at the heart of something – в основе чего-либо
to be the most important part of something, especially the main cause of it
The issue that lies at the heart of the present conflict is jealousy.
by heart – наизусть
When you learn something by heart, you learn it so well that you can repeat it from memory quickly and without thinking about it.
I learned my girlfriend’s phone number by heart.
When you know something by heart, you can repeat it from memory quickly and without thinking about it.
My son goes to school and he knows many poems by heart.
be sick at heart – тосковать, томиться, кошки скребут на сердце
be very unhappy
David was sick at heart about having to leave his family behind.
be the heart and soul of something – быть душой (общества)
If you put your heart and soul into something, you do it with a greatdeal of enthusiasm and energy
He will always be successful when he puts his mind to something, because he puts his heart and soul into it.
He is heart and souls of our class.
bring home to somebody’s heart – растрогать до глубины души
He brought home to my heart telling about his childhood.
cheer (warm) the cockles of one’s heart – радовать сердце
cause a pleasant feeling of a sentimental kind, comforting, reassuring; rejoice
Beautiful flowers warm the cockles of my heart.
cross one’s heart – клясться, божиться
to promise or pledge, especially by making the sign of a cross over one’s heart (British)
to make the sign of the cross over one’s heart as a token that one is telling the truth (American)
He crossed his heart.
cry (sob or weep) one’s heart out – горько рыдать
to weep bitterly
She was crying her heart out.
cut (or touch) somebody to the heart – ранить в самое сердце
His words cut her to the heart.
devour one’s heart – изводить себя, страдать молча
She devoured her heart.
eat one’s heart out – страдать молча
to brood or pine with grief or longing
to brood or feel keenly unhappy over some frustration or in regret
You shouldn’t eat your heart out.
Every heart knows its own bitterness. – У каждого свои горести.
false heart – вероломство
false-hearted – вероломный
falsehearted person is disloyal, deceitful
a falsehearted traitor — Shakespeare
follow one’s heart – руководствоваться чутьем
to do what one would really love to do
I decided to follow my heart and take up acting.
for my heart – хоть убей меня, ни за что
from the bottom of one’s heart – от всей души
in a very sincere way
He thanked us from the bottom of his heart. When I said you were my best friend, I meant it from the bottom of my heart.
go heart and soul into something – вкладывать всю душу
She goes heart and soul into teaching little kids.
have a change of heart – изменить решение к лучшему
a reversal in position or attitude
have a soft spot in one’s heart for somebody – испытывать теплое чувство к кому-либо
Granny had a soft spot in her heart for all her grandchildren.
have heart in one’s mouth – перепугать до смерти, душа ушла в пятки
Informal: if your heart is in your mouth, you are very excited or nervous about something.
She had a heart in her mouth walking through the dark forest.
have no heart – не иметь желания
I have no heart to go out tonight, I’d rather stay in.
heart of gold – золотое сердце
a kind and generous disposition
She has a heart of gold. She has a big heart. She is all heart.
heart of oak – отважный, храбрый человек
a brave person
King Arthur had a heart of oak.
have one’s heart in one’s work – уйти с головой в работу
to have enthusiasm for something
My brother was making an interesting project and he had his heart in his work.
have one’s heart in the right place – быть добрым, отзывчивым человеком
Our new boss had his heart in the right place.
have one’s heart in one’s boots – быть в угнетенном состоянии, потерять надежду
to be depressed or down-hearted
heart to heart – доверительно
imprint on somebody’s heart – запасть в душу
His words imprinted on my heart.
Heart Prints
Whatever our hands touch
We leave fingerprints!
On walls, on furniture,
On doorknobs, dishes, books,
As we touch we leave our identity.
Oh, please, wherever I go today,
Help me leave heart prints!
Heart prints of compassion
Of understanding and love.
Heart prints of kindness
And genuine concern.
May my heart touch a lonely neighbor
Or a runaway daughter,
Or an anxious mother,
Or, perhaps, dear friend!
I shall go out today
To leave heart prints,
And if someone should say
“I felt your touch”,
May that one sense be … YOUR LOVE
Touching through ME.
Author Unknown
it makes the heart bleed – сердце кровью обливается
used to express sympathetic grief, but often used ironically
keep a good heart – не падать духом
He always keeps a good heart.
lose heart – отчаиваться, падать духом
to begin to feel that one cannot do something that one has been trying to do : to become discouraged
They never lost heart, even in the face of adversity.
move somebody’s heart – тронуть чье-то сердце
His story moved her heart.
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. – Была бы охота, а возможность найдется.
pluck up one’s heart – собраться с духом
to muster (courage, one’s spirits, etc)
He plucked up his heart before his speech at the graduation party.
pull at somebody’s heartstrings – растрогать кого-либо, подействовать на чувства
the deepest emotions or affections —usually used in plural
That movie really pulls at your heartstrings.
set one’s heart at rest – перестать волноваться, успокоиться
to cause someone to set aside doubts, fears, or worries
Finally, she set her heart at rest.
set one’s heart on – решиться (сделать что-либо)
resolve; to have as one’s ambition to obtain; covet
She set her heart on going to medical school.
sick at heart – быть печальным, подавленным
very sad and upset
The idea of children suffering from hunger made him sick at heart.
stout heart – смелое сердце
to one’s heart‘s content – до полного удовлетворения
wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve – не скрывать своих чувств
to show one’s emotions very openly
He wears his heart on his sleeve.
win somebody’s heart, steal someone’s heart – покорить чье-то сердце
to cause someone to feel love or affection
with half a heart – без интереса, неохотно
The studied with half a heart.
with heart and hand – охотно, с энтузиазмом
They worked with heart and hand trying to finish their project by the end of the week.
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