Speak about Valentine’s Day celebration in English-speaking countries.
Here is a sample.
- I’d like to speak about St. Valentine’s Day which is celebrated on February 14 as a festival of romance and affection in English-speaking countries.
- It is a day for sweethearts.
- St. Valentine’s Day has ancient roots.
- People send greeting cards called “valentines” to their sweethearts, friends, and members of their families.
- Many valentines have romantic poems, others are humorous.
- But almost all of them ask “Be My Valentine”.
- Red is the colour most often used in valentines because it is a symbol of warmth and feelings.
- Pink and white colours are often used in valentines too.
- Valentine symbols are hearts, roses, ribbons, lace, rings, forget-me-nots.
- One of the most famous Valentine symbols is Cupid with his bow and arrow.
- Cupid, also called Eros, was an ancient Roman god of love.
- The most popular gifts given on this day are heart shaped boxes of candy, flowers and jewelry.
- Boys and girls have valentine parties at school or at home.
- They decorate their classrooms or home with bright red paper hearts, gold and silver Cupid’s arrows, roses and forget-me-nots.
- There is a Valentine box at the Valentine party.
- Each boy or girl draws valentines from a box.
- On Valentine’s Day many radio stations play romantic music all day long.
- St. Valentine’s Day is a happy day because it is specially dedicated to celebrate love, affection and friendship.
Vocabuary List
romance – роман, романтика
affection – прихильність
sweetheart – коханий / кохана
ancient roots – стародавні корені
romantic – романтичний
humorous – гумористичний
symbol – символ
warmth – теплота
feeling – почуття
heart – серце
ribbon – стрічка
lace – мереживо
ring – обручка, перстень
forget-me-not – незабудка
Cupid / Eros – Купідон, Амур
arrow – стріла
bow – лук
gift – подарунок
heart shaped boxes – коробки у вигляді серця
jewelry – ювелірні прикраси
draw – тягти
radio station – радіо станція
specially– спеціально
dedicate – присвячувати
It’s very romantic
We will have a valentine party at school tomorrow.
I should say that St. Valentine’s Day is a good holiday, but I am not crazy about it, though I don’t mind Valentine’s parties and valentines. I always write them to my friends. As for me, my favourite holidays are New Year’s Day and my birthday.